ah the classic “journey to clarity”....jesus...
he’s an asshole for sure....but when did not liking Black Panther or the music of Beyonce make someone a racist?
Orville Redenbacher Approves!
the video you’ve included in this post has nothing to do with Dark Forces...it was a project from 3 years ago - as described here:
she’ll get a reality TV show out of this for sure....
sure - but I’d love to see the cost to the taxpayers of this utterly unwarranted (though ‘warranted’) action by the FBI - what ever happened to having your lawyer arrange to have you swing by the FBI and surrender?
what is she taking?
I’d have thought by now you could major in ‘Influencing’.
it takes a loooooong fucking time to get to Australia...but I guess not enough time to skim a briefing.
Song of the South?
“...charges in this case that can be proven with independent and reliable evidence.”
that tells you everything you need to know...it doesn’t matter what happened - what matters to the DA is ‘can I win this case fast?’
correct sandwich, incorrect soup.
what might be a good first step would for law enforcement to say “We don’t fucking care that you’re the employee of a Church - we’re just going to go ahead and investigate this like we do any other crime.”
as much as Julia Louis-Dreyfus is praised for her work on this series (as she should be), Tony Hale is so consistently great.
we should be working to improve labor laws before creating organizations that have a vested interest in maintaining a level of antagonism in their industries.
“Maybe she consented? Ugh, I wouldn’t put it past a good defense attorney to at least try his one.”
I guess if she was wearing something ‘provocative’.