
I wlll make the exception and say “Venti” when I am ordering Starbucks next time I am in Italy... I am talking about when I order in Suburban Pennsylvania.....

Acutaly the “corprate structure” of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts is completely different. Boy Scouts’ central “management” defines the tasks necessary for advancement from one level to another and they have rope tieing, camping, cooking (outdoor) etc as defined goals. Girl Scout local organizations has much more

Follow up question: Is it ok to go to Starbucks and just say “Medium Coffee”, rather than their made up word “Vente”?

Time (of the barista) is Money (for Starbucks). So orders that take a lot of time cost more money.

This would be a nice project, if you were willing to take the risks.. FWIW that nasty stuff on the instrument panel.. if that speckling is on the glass.. that is weird.. if it on the inside.. run away, that is water/moisture damage.

I am guessing that this movie was written, directed and produced by dudes.

When I did my WCHIB, they printed the answer about a 6 weeks after I bought the car.... and their answer was wrong too...

Friday weddings are best...commit to the whole weekend of debauchery or just elope.

Just because you CAN do a thing, does not mean you SHOULD do a thing.

There is a nuance here..

EIther it’s the MEG or Russia....

Imagine your Dad is Trump and your mom is Melliana... (or her body-double half the time).. that kid is not going to turn out normal.

I have no sarcastic comment on this one.

I met my wife at a Karaoke night... “I am a Believer” by the Monkies. ...hook, line and sinker.

Keep your corolla and park on the other side of the hanger.

Well this will be all over Fox and Friends....

To be fair.. the groom is wearing sneakers, and the other bridamaids dresses aren’t the same either...

This was the beer that started me wanting to make beer. There was a great little pub in Easton PA that had huge amounts of different types of beer, and me a few months out of college drinking only Natty Bo (when it was cheap, not now when it is cool), the pub had a “drink all 30 of our beers and we will give you a

I am shocked.. SHOCKED to find out restaurants have a desire to make money!

It is touchingly mellinial that your reason for doing this is that someone may not take cards (or Venmo!)... I have been doing this for decades mostly because at least twice a year I would forget my wallet when I went to work (back in the 90's, when not everyone would take cards)