
“Can we equate Uber users to sweatshop supporters?”

This probably won’t really hurt CSE in any way, seeing that all of Wood’s clients were all washed up.

Logic has no place in HOA neighborhoods.

Let me see if I understand this.

Whenever a mass killing happens blogs on this platform and every news network all run constant updates about whoever the killer was, posting their name, pictures, what they had for breakfast. And giving mass murderers publicity actually causes more of them to happen. Filming a dead body in a suicide forest doesn’t

If it’s that disrespectful, then the people who committed suicide could have done it in a place where they wouldn’t be found by random people.

Ajit Pai is an ass but the video wasn’t that bad, they knew the references were out of date since the premise was “you can drive memes right into the ground.”

We probably shouldn’t even bring up the fact that they died and just report that they have gone to live on a farm upstate.

This might have just been a tribute to Sonny Bono.

What are they worried about? That fool can’t melt steel beams.

“He failed to disclose a condition. It’s on Martellus to let us know he is black and has opinions. We have a fan base to consider.”

Considering the founders were syphilis infected slave owners the country started a few cards short of a deck.

I suppose this will fool the same sort of idiot who thinks that Obamacare was a failure so Congress stepped in and replaced it with the ACA. Of which there are many.

And no evidence was provided anywhere in the article. Sorry, but not buying someone claiming someone raped someone else with no evidence other than “everybody’s saying it”.

Not shocking from a country so lacking in morals that they call ham bacon.

It’s like the cops in Vancouver don’t understand the First Amendment.

“we’re not treating the pneumonia, we’re focusing exclusively on the cough”

He really is full of it, I think a good example is Tim Tebow, whose skill set made him one of the best College QBs ever but didn’t translate to NFL success. How much has Florida made off of him with jerseys and bowl appearances and how much could he have made had he been able to sign endorsement deals with national