I actually liked the triple Tzitzi-Ya-Ku but my favorite missions are the double diablos in the arena or tempered azure and tempered pink Rathian in the arena. Those fights are hectic
I’ll be hunting deviljho probably all weekend
You mean genius. Yea you’re right. I don’t want to play it at all on mobile but it’s so far from stupid I’m not sure how to respond
You didn’t even take your own advice. Saying something even partially negative and true about Nintendo? Get ready for anger
Getting to HR11 is just a handful of story missions and you absolutely should not grind any armor sets before you get into high rank. It’s a huge waste of time unless you really can’t get through a particular hunt and if that’s the case make a couple bone pieces and be done.
Don’t worry you’re still looking at low rank palicoe armor. If you love the tobe outfit their is a high rank version too
Eh there’s some variety with end game builds. Try messing with elemental crit and status crit. Don’t just blindly follow the speed runners. But attack boost, crit boost and especially weakness exploit are all great to have with almost every weapon in the game. I’d say weakness exploit is mandatory on everything…
It’s not always best using randos. Especially on nerg who can kill people pretty quickly. The reason you’re not getting people in your sos is likely because the people searching for sos flares are focusing on investigations and don’t even search for story or optional missions. Good luck. Sns is a good weapon to use on…
It extends the defense cap. An example is the dragon king eyepatch maxes at 72 I think and it’s new cap after augmenting is 90. Also it does apply to full sets. A friend of mine augmented his ryu set because he likes sf so damn much.
Uh possibly but for the articles on here pertaining to shipping or ow shipping it’s 100% same sex relationships and often it’s two females. I don’t think it has anything to do with standing out. It’s because straight guys aren’t afraid of lesbians and most straight girls were temporary lesbians at some point, at…
Don’t play timid. The more aggressive you are the more wins you’re going to get. You gota kill people to win. As you get more wins you’ll become more comfortable with it.
“Otherwise, I drop down, I find some guns, and I go on the prowl for enemies. I know this isn’t how you’re supposed to play.”
yep this is some bullshit
Great write up but did you have to remind me about dragon fin soup? Damn I hate Kickstarter and indiegogo
I feel you on the snob point but that tray of “bbq” looks like shit. School lunch levels of shit.
Trying to bring myself to play fortnite for some season 3 skins but probably just gonna play mhw all weekend again.
That was interesting but the part about them making a game called rapelay where you rape a family stood out. Can these developers just be arrested for that? Wtf
The class archetypes don’t mean anything and were only put in place to help very new players. Sombra is more support than attack and Brigitte is more tank/defense than support. I’m thrilled they did this. Support players need all of the choices they can get