Flamingo83 pt2

What I’m asking is for designers to diversify their staffs and consider the diversity of their potential clientele. That’s not a reach—or even emotional. That’s just a sound business practice in today’s climate.

Was there some memo that came out that said everyone on the left is required to get in their feelings about shit that happened in the 80s? Because I can’t think of a less productive conversation right now than debating the racial purity of some white woman or blackface during the Reagan years.

Reading an article before commenting is always advisable. But yes, I’m pretty limber, thanks for your concern.

Service dogs just might be the answer to dating in the Metoo# era.

Another vivid example of why brands miss out when they do not place people of color in the room. What ever those salaries would be, they would still add up to a fraction of the downside loss they would prevent from happening such as cases like this Prada and D&G.

Seeming to directly contradict Warren’s long-held claim that she never used her dubious Native American ancestry to gain any professional advantage


I was in a 5.5 year relationship. I ended it and metand started dating my current SO just 3 weeks later and we are going on 3 years. I don’t think there’s any right amount of time to wait.  Not waiting worked for me but it might not for someone else. 

In addition to that, he’s also lying.

one can only hope!

If we stop talking about the Duggars, maybe they’ll go away.

Like, if this girl had turned to a teacher, trusted community member (pastor, librarian, etc), this would have had a different outcome.

I think in this specific case, the girl already knew that she couldn’t trust her own parents to help and protect her. That messes with your head. 

he faces 32 years to life in prison.

Have you considered that you’re both assholes?

So ... get this.

Oooh! Should I leave my partner and child so I can start dating around? It looks so fun and well-lit!

Yeah, that happened to Janet’s Unbreakable which IMHO is her second best album following Control. Sigh....

Ageism comes into play, too. Mariah Carey writes and produces all of her tracks and released one of the best albums of her career last year. Pop radio won't touch it.