Flamingo83 pt2

Exactly. He’s a comedian joking about something he did, not at anyone else’s expense, something he is (hopefully) over and if he wants to push through it using humor then that’s his choice.

Cardi is a generous spirit, and she was only trying to help T-Rex Liniment understand the situation.

Man, Pete Davidson is really owning his shit, so if he wants to joke about things to diffuse the tension, and move forward, cool. I don't see this as 'derailing his comeback' in any way. He's not joke about other people killing themselves. 

Joy played that clip this morning

Toenail Lannister let her mouth write a check her behind cannot cash.

Participating, probably.

These kids didn’t buy their own MAGA merch. Their parents bought it for them at a rally. It’s 100% taught hatred. Rich white southerners sending their kids to “Catholic” school because segregation isn’t totally legal anymore.

I actually found that humanizing, at least the sentiment.

Hundreds of thousands, but your point otherwise stands.

Don’t make assumptions about what I have or have not considered. I’ve read all those articles and found them lacking. What they demonstrate to me is that the Root doesn’t have any Jews of color on staff and it really shows.

The NOI is a Jew-hating, transphobic, homophobic, and misogynist organization. The same

The “he’s done good work for he black community” line needs to die. The NOI’s work on recidivism is just an opportunistic way of exploiting a vulnerable population for recruitment into their insane cult.

God bless America! Worshiping seditious generals that caused hundreds of millions of deaths that fought to defend slavery is perfect fine, but kneeling during a paid for propaganda moment is treason.

Historically, when white feminists have focused on pay equity, it’s ended up raising wages for white women but not for WoC. And for reproductive rights... WoC have histories of forced sterilization, having their children taken away, etc. that means that a lot of what they’re looking for out of reproductive rights is

Either urine or you're out.

Hey man don’t kink shame

I feel like so many of these problems could be solved if people just worked in a restaurant once in their lives. Do a stint. It’ll do you good. 

we stopped inviting people that cant make it on time. they arent grown ups and shouldnt be allowed to sit at the grownup table. being late once in awhile because of traffic or car issues is one thing. but never having your shit together shows you shouldnt ever leave the house. i dont even drive with my mom to go

i can’t tell you how many times an incomplete party was seated at a large table only to never be completed & so cost me money b/c 3 or 4 people took up a table that could’ve accommodated twice that.  unless you’re going to guarantee you’re going to pay & tip for the reserved number of diners no matter how many

Yah, at my restaurant we do seat incomplete parties, but on a “it depends” policy. 2 people are here 15 min early but the reservation’s booked the private room for the next 2 hours? Sure. 6/8 people are here on time? Okay. 2/7 people have shown up early on a Friday night? Probably not.

This implies that it is possible to have too many pho restaurants. That’s like saying you can have too many taco trucks.