Flamingo83 pt2

a warning that pedophilia could be the next sexual orientation embraced by liberals;

The only thing sadder than “young conservative” is the fact that the New York Times hired this pant-load.

This is equal parts obnoxious and refreshing. Girl. Living your truth ain’t got to come with a side of shaming people.

This was my question. Can't you work out, eat fruit, and be snarky in your living room?

went all the way to an In-N-Out only to do an exercise and eat a fruit.

Thank you. As a parent of someone with BPD, I have come to learn that, however manipulative an action may seem, it originates with the illness.

This evening, my friends and I wanted to really experience the feminist side of the internet so we went to Jezebel. There aren’t enough words to describe how awful it was.

So in your mind, taking time off and getting off social media is solely manipulative. And it’s creepy and inappropriate?

Did you even read the article? Do the police not already have this right and then some? (hint: they do)

This is the shittiest fucking take possible.

As someone who suffers from BPD so has some insight I suggest you do some research before you start flapping your gums about something you know nothing about

Don’t worry, the Supreme Court will judge him fairly

More like Stand Your Privilege. 

While some of them richly deserve a beat down, they’d just blame BLM, and use any retaliation to justify their already shitty policies. Not that working with them and holding them accountable is preventing offenses.

Seriously, all the worst assholes are un-greyed across the Kinjaverse and its just too much today. The article about the kid dying really take the cake.

It isn’t a double standard, because white folks don’t have the history of being an oppressed minority with damaging stereotypes associated with them, you dumb fucking idiot. You example is based on a long-standing racial caricature that demeaned black people.

Black guy (Jamaican to be exact) here. Ask most Jamaicans, or any black person really, and they will tell you black pepper and salt do not count as spices. Salt and pepper should be a given. 

Ethiopia and Uganda are majority-black countries that have bland food

It absolutely is not “bland” by any stretch of the imagination.

1. Ethiopian food is not bland, not by a long shot.