Flamingo83 pt2

I think she’s being as good as she can on this. I don’t buy that she used this to cash in on sweet sweet Rez money or preferential treatment for jobs (if so please let me know how to collect because it ain’t doing shit for me). Right now I’m looking at record on consumer protections, tackling wealth inequality and

I believe they are normally predatory. In this case they were the ones there for her; allowing her to heal and feel safe. In the same way I would never ask the family of a murdered person to be anti death penalty for the killer, I’d never ask someone who was coerced into an abortion to be pro choice. For her abortion b

That’s the part that is infuriating. “I got over it in a week, I’m normal!” No introspection on why he went full racist or even acknowledging it was racist. His disgust was about the violence and no insite on race upping his desire for violence.

I hope you feel better soon! 

This is one of the many reasons why DNA testing has been shunned by most American Indians. Now law enforcement can get your dna without a warrant.

I’m having Lindy West flashbacks! I had a hard time believing the man giving her shit on the plane would have done that to an overweight male. Just like I doubt this woman would have been this rude to a white overweight person.

Ooh the concerned liberal voters will be pointing out how unlikeable she is, too old (Bbbutt Bernie’s young at heart), made a serious dumb mistake now she’s doomed!! I’m not excited about anyone yet but I like her tax proposals, health care ideas for while we work towards single payer. I want to at

Or really fat kids, like me!

I’d seen several Godzilla attacking the city shirts. I thought they were cool but my coworker laughed and said that reads “I Love Grandpa!” in Chinese. I bought one and my nieces take turns wearing it on my dad’s birthday.

WTF! That is infuriating, BELIEVE US DAMMIT!

I remember reading sitting all day is as bad as smoking. It seems worse with all these seemingly innocuous pains that can be serious.

Jo Anne Hardesty is amazing! We need more people like her on every council!

I remember my sister going to three different doctors when she had knee pain. She kept getting dismissed and told to take Tylenol. The third doctor found she had a torn ACL and said she might have permanent damage since it wasn’t treated right away. The doctor also said “I’ve had professional athletes unable to speak

Its a sore spot for me. It’s only been in the last decade that my family is reconnecting with our clan. I met them when I was younger but there was a lot of turmoil on the rez at the time. My dad wanted to get us away from that so he emphasized our Mexican heritage. Then I was always being accused of lying or playing

I feel the same about him and lady Gaga! It’s totally irrational!

that is true here, that’s not true in Mexico and at that time. There’s racism against indigenous people in Mexico and back then it was worse. Like indigenous women were and children were kicked off sidewalks and into the streets. People didn’t celebrate their ancestry and often denied it. Her reclaiming it wasn’t cultu

Poor Jenni Farley and her children. I’m amazed she was able to leave, that’s the most dangerous time for DV victims and money helps but it’s not a guarantee. 

I’d never wear anything other than a bikini!

For real! It freaked me out how dangerous they can be if you don’t learn a little about them first.

I had them for so many Quinceneras, I’m done!