Last week of school before finals and I have to be in Physics for the next 6 hours :(
Last week of school before finals and I have to be in Physics for the next 6 hours :(
Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony join forces and make the ONE console for next-gen gaming! Early specs are an updated Cell Processor with quad Nvidia GeForce GTX 295 for $250! Gamers' minds are blown.
@Nkosi B.: That's was I was thinking.
50 KP - Nintendo announces new Legend of Zelda title for the Wii (8:1)
How does this void the warranty of the 360?
This must be the extended version because I don't remember the rotating part. This is still hilarious even though I've seen it at least 10 times.
Definite buy for me!
@Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.: I'm gonna have fun.
This one and spider legs were the best. It was a tough call for me because both were great but I voted for spider legs. Glad to see this one win though!
spider-heels.jpg! It is done so well.
Perfect timing. Work just started and now Mass Effect is a platinum. Now I just need a hard drive, Live and an adapter and I'll be set.
Even though I have Street Fighter for the 360 I just might get this as well.
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: LOL! Or when half of the team are Engineers. That was the main reason why I stopped playing 2Fort. Seemed as if every match just became a campfest. Arena is my favorite mode now.
@bfwings55: You shouldn't be ashamed. You use the class you like. I love the Pyro and that was before the update. I love lighting Snipers up with the Flare Gun.
@Mordraug: Only weapon I used playing Halo!
Another thank you Kotaku. I was starting to think you were going to let these trolls slide.
@VenomStrike: I think we need Ban Monday.
@stephenzerotwo: Thanks for the clarification!
@stephenzerotwo: Why should it matter if the stats are broken into "hardcore" vs "casual". This whole thing of "hardcore" vs "casual" is one of the most pointless things I've seen.