
Last week of school before finals and I have to be in Physics for the next 6 hours :(

Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony join forces and make the ONE console for next-gen gaming! Early specs are an updated Cell Processor with quad Nvidia GeForce GTX 295 for $250! Gamers' minds are blown.

@Nkosi B.: That's was I was thinking.

50 KP - Nintendo announces new Legend of Zelda title for the Wii (8:1)


How does this void the warranty of the 360?

This must be the extended version because I don't remember the rotating part. This is still hilarious even though I've seen it at least 10 times.

Definite buy for me!

This one and spider legs were the best. It was a tough call for me because both were great but I voted for spider legs. Glad to see this one win though!

spider-heels.jpg! It is done so well.

Perfect timing. Work just started and now Mass Effect is a platinum. Now I just need a hard drive, Live and an adapter and I'll be set.

Even though I have Street Fighter for the 360 I just might get this as well.

@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: LOL! Or when half of the team are Engineers. That was the main reason why I stopped playing 2Fort. Seemed as if every match just became a campfest. Arena is my favorite mode now.

@bfwings55: You shouldn't be ashamed. You use the class you like. I love the Pyro and that was before the update. I love lighting Snipers up with the Flare Gun.

@Mordraug: Only weapon I used playing Halo!

Another thank you Kotaku. I was starting to think you were going to let these trolls slide.

@stephenzerotwo: Why should it matter if the stats are broken into "hardcore" vs "casual". This whole thing of "hardcore" vs "casual" is one of the most pointless things I've seen.