
Awards are meaningless to me. Game of the Year awards are the gold stars of the industry. Its just used to make developers feel special. Also for some gamers it justifies their purchase. Instead of GOTY awards maybe a list of excellent games in each genre. However, that does sound like a gift guide.

Why? Seriously why did they waste their time!

I can only see this working if the first campaign is $20 and the other two are $15.

Only Monday I look forward to!

Games > Girls?

It was okay but I think you guys are onto something. Hope to see more. Also, it was awesome seeing Kotaku Tower!!

Whatever happened to the Wii version they were developing. Also, weren't they developing a version for the DS?

First person shooters! After playing Halo 2 for 2 years I just cannot play any shooter longer for 5 minutes. The only exception is Team Fortress 2 however, I have not played TF2 in months. I just feel that all shooters deliver the same experience with different settings.

Late response, but it is amazing when parents act like complete idiots.

This reminds of a scene in Wayne's World. When Wayne and Garth do their show in the major studio for the first time and are shocked to see how much the show format has changed. Sad.

This is one of the reasons why I love Kotaku!

Whoah! Best wishes to him!

I need this game!

Dear God, I don't want any more consoles to come out until 2013! This gen has been expensive! Seriously, Sony better not come out with another console until 2016. How much money did they throw into the Cell processor? What is the PS4 going to have? Super Cell!

Glad to see E3 scale down. It was getting too damn big and, every year it would just get bigger and bigger.

Hard one . . . I want to see Metroid Fusion remade on the DS or Wii.

Over working these guys and for what!? A videogame? It makes me sad to hear how much stress is being put onto these guys and for a videogame. I'm glad companies are making changes to improve their programmers quality of life but, more should be done.

This has just become "MY DRUMS A BIGGER THAN YOURS!" contest!

Men are still surprised that women play games? My grandma is a hardcore old school gamer. She plays Mario All-Stars on a daily basis.

ED 2 would be awesome! Probably won't see it though until next gen.