
If I had $1 for every Candy Crush request I've ignored, I'd be able to buy the game, too.

Speed, with the bus, amazing. Speed 2, with the boat and Jason Patric, not amazing.

She is probably contractually obligated like Sandra Bullock & Speed 2. Or she feels obligated. Or she made A LOT of money. Or all three.

With her record, I'd be shocked if there wasn't a prenup. They were only married two years; not likely a 50/50 split.

Calvin Harris’ next release is “Taming of the Shrew.” It's going to be huge in Ibiza & Verona.

Bill Clinton wants to take over Katy Perry’s Instgram account for the night. If you know what I mean. ;) ;)

I've not been a fan of the Clintons since the Lewinsky scandal. Yesterday convinced me to get on board with her for 2016.

I always appreciate any reasons to post pics of Harry. Gracias.

Tea with honey. Hot Tang. (I know how that sounds.) Spoonful of local honey at night.

Can I just reboot 1997? That was a great year.

Your late 30s. When there’s officially no more fish in the sea. Something tells me my mother helped fund this WWF study to prove herself right.

I have a serious question. But since I may be in grays, I will ask less serious question - WTF happened to Kinja? I could not get in with my year-old burner despite multiple tries over the last week. :( Had to create new account, and I can't figure out to get a new photo up. I am too old for this shit. And now maybe