
Disagree. It was poorly made. Choreography and edit were all over the place, especially comparing to another “chaotic” battle episode - Battle of the Bastards, I couldn't properly enjoy it because I caught myself thinking "how does this follow that". But The Bells were made great (in technical aspects).

True gentlemen always know the best times to pull out and disappear.

“They then pulled out of two subsequent projects, Star Wars and a Game of Thrones continuation.”

The issue isn’t that it’s a prototype vehicle, it’s that it doesn’t seem to have any legally required safety equipment at all.

For free.

Elon Musk Bootlicker Incels are some of my favorite Gizmodo commenters. Hopefully you don’t meet the fate of the man who burned alive in a Tesla because first responders couldn’t get the electric door handles to lift up. 

Never thought I’d see a Ford GT putting out more articles than Deadspin, but here we are. 

Clarkson should buy this with some of that Amazon money. #SavetheGT

Do you think Elon Musk pays all these trolls to protect him or do you think they do it for free?

I wonder what the venn of Muskophiles and Jobs lovers looks like?

Tesla is a cult.

There’s previous little I find more amusing than the mewling of the Musk acolytes when someone dares point out the copious failings of their glorious leader 😂

He did not stop because his ego is going up and up. He talks shit, he wins lawsuits, he thinks he’s untouchable. And for some reason it´s all perfectly fine in Muskverse. As long as it´s him.

The rescuer said Elon Musk was doing a publicity stunt. Elon said he was a pedophile. Hardly the same. On top of that, Elon has millions of followers and 10,000x more resources than the guy he defamed. Also, Elon hired a PI to dig up dirt on this guy to the tune of 50K, in order to ruin him? And people are going to

“I’m honestly shocked a jury could come to Musk’s defense in this case. Libel is generally defined to be a written false statement of fact, and I fail to see how a powerful CEO with millions of Twitter followers publishing an accusation that an international hero is a pedophile, and claiming so again in emails to

Wtf!?! Wtaf!?!
He calls the guy a pedo, then apologises, then goes back to calling the guy a pedo - then sends emails to journalists that show he means it absolutely literally, after sending out a private investigator to find proof that the guy is a paedo.

The difference is that Unsworths insult was really just factual.  The submarine idea was ridiculously stupid.

Just because he won a lawsuit doesn’t mean he was in the right. Also, as the CEO of a public company, he probably shouldn’t have toked marijuana publicly either. Public lapses in judgement aren’t great indications of leadership especially when you head multiple billion dollar companies (or the United States of America

An insult and insinuating that someone is guilty of one of the worst things a human can do, aren't in the same ballpark. 

Ahh, the ‘He started it!’ argument. Brilliant.