
You know after he bought it and left everyone in the store high-fived each other and then they closed up early.

Could be a case of Mr Hyde/also Mr Hyde.

I once lied about eating the last two Oreos in the package. My wife asked me if I’d eaten them and I said yes and she got mad. But I actually hadn’t eaten them yet. I lied about having already eaten them just so I could save them for later and eat them while she took our daughter to soccer practice. And then I ate

Lost my wife of 20 years to breast cancer one month ago. She fought it 3 separate times. Cancer can go fuck itself!

Wow, she is an inspiration and it fucking sucks she lost her battle. I lost my husband to cancer 15 weeks ago tomorrow. It’s an exceptionally cruel disease. Fuck cancer, fuck it so much.

Last week was the one-year anniversary of losing a good friend of ours very suddenly. She left behind a husband and three children. It still hits me hard every couple of days and it’s all I can do to keep from ugly-crying in public. I hope Gabriele’s family and friends can find peace and comfort through their grief as

Let me drop a little lawyer on you:

Q: You’re 70 now?

A: That’s correct

Q: So, we’re to believe you’re a gentle-driving retiree, is that it?

A: Why, yes, sonny, that’s right.

So you are pro-cameras-in-public-restrooms or am I missing your point?

To be fair, goal differential is a thing at the World Cup, and the USWNT have every reason to expect the Thai to be wrecked at least once more in group play. Also, many would argue that respect for the opponent is best shown by playing full-bore to the whistle, that taking their foot off the gas and playing keep-away

He works for Roger Penske who is a friend of Trump. And if you know anything about racing you don’t piss off the Captain, ask Paul Tracy how that goes. He has the top ride in the top OW series below F1, so your boss says we’re going to the White House? Fuck wheres the bus I’ll be the first one on. Not everyone who

What’s left of his lasagna brain said: Ooh! Race car! NASCAR love me!

I can honestly say I don’t really follow Indycar, but I can pretty resoundingly say this: fuck that winner who decided to go to the White House when no one else had in 13 years. We get it. You’re a white supremacist. Fuck you, guy.

Yeah, it’s obviously Burneko’s fault.

This...all day long. Born and raised in Oakland. Never even dreamed of success like this for the Warriors. Claiming the bay if you’ve been here less than a decade seems like a big stretch.  Hell, 20 years might not even be enough.  I’ve lived in my current town for almost 12 years and the locals will likely never let

Spots on the sidewalk. The horror. 

Do you get a bonus for how many Dead Letters you provoke or do you just dig chumming the dark waters?

This is a killer comment.

Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity .

I just give people the thumbs up these days. It makes them feel pretty stupid.

That’s why I’m going with Poe’s Law here. It’s not like Q clearance is hard to find out about. Unless this conspiracy is predicated on the safe handling of nuclear material, energy conservation, or energy research, then this is a giant joke that too many gullible fools are not picking up on.