
@Minister of Fun: Right, because a seven year old is going to read the news on his restricted computer use time. By the time he's old enough to find columns remotely interesting, this will likely be buried.

I only fault him for writing an article about something pointless. He didn't give a speech about why extra equipment is a bad thing. He didn't leave us with something to think about, except why he wrote an empty article.

@Minister of Fun: Next time read the article. You're entire argument is made of fail and is null and void.

@djfakt: They never got the Wii you illiterate twit. They never saw it.

@NotGodot: Dude, I QUOTED from your link. You've proven you haven't read jack shit of what I've posted.

@NotGodot: I don't care about individual humans, personal self interest on a large scale solves problems. Works in either a Hobbesian or a Lockeian way.

You weren't there man.

Intelligence is changeable, that's why I'm so Goddamn smart.

@zelfmoordkonijn: Please take your Vault Dweller avatar and surrender it at the front desk.

@NotGodot: Yeah, LOL yourself buddyboy.

@Aklost: He then get's run-over by a college student on their way to a life.

@Malice: Commitment to the cause I guess.

@NotGodot: And all I care about is this so called "solid evidence" you're referencing.

@NotGodot: Because organizations are never wrong.

@NotGodot: Hows the view from up your ass?

@Jetgirly: I knew a guy who moved to Japan with a backpack and spent years there.

@aerospaceman: Thats basically what a starter pistol is.

Already using it, but I keep the tabs firmly where they are.

To be frank, the second box art is far preferable from a window shopping standpoint. It says a lot more, and Heavy Rain can't afford to be mysterious.