@CustomFirmware: OCD isn't really something you can "do away with"
@CustomFirmware: OCD isn't really something you can "do away with"
If FB were to skim some money off the top, they'd finally have a business model!
I remember at the hotel they had us wait at for MEPs (Military Entrance Processing) they had a lounge with something like four PS3s setup for us to play.
@eggplantwizard: I play Runescape, it's bit of a different beast. Whenever I "grind" I pull out my guitar, and have some real fun with that. When the grinds over, I switch over fully and have fun doing a quest.
It's an operating system, not a lifestyle.
As a general rule of thumb, I use old server hard disks built to last, not perform, and old hard disks from other machines that are at the end of their life but still will work.
@gold163 (° д° ): Resolution, resolution, resolution.
@ExoByte: And here I thought no one beat my Link's Awakening score of 258!
@WhatTheFrag: I'd argue it's System Shock 2. Everyone knows it's greatness, but it was overshadowed by Half-Life. It could also be fallout, which took a while to catch on but was arguably the greatest RPG of all time.
@Dom: I made this free bag of chocolate just for you! If you eat it, I know you like chocolate, and will tell people so they'll sell you some! (Read: the bag of chocolate isn't full of chocolate, but it's free, so you'll love it anyway!)
@peterpanpiper2: You don't understand the concept of "development" do you? Did it occur to you that maybe the game isn't done, well, you do understand that with the "there's still a lot of work to be done" line of yours. But what you don't get is that work CAN be done.
Linux is usually something of a mess one for desktop builds. Overweight and bloated, with to many features developed separately being used together. It's like someone took a kernel, a ton of driver, and a mega ton of application and stapled-gunned them together.
@Đipic: No, I think we all got that memo.
@diagorus: No, no they don't.
@Xuchilbara: The Fallout Trilogy was packaged and released on DVD BEFORE Bethesda bought the rights.
@Austin Walker: I'd rather have trilogy then Fallout 3 frankly.
@Nosgoroth: 3.0.2 not so much.
Those fools! Okay, scientific in all, but still. The big, mofo killer her is FPS. GTA4 is the worst, and GTA4 is a comperatively laggy game, with a continuous environment and many many AI instances.
When I was a kid I use to used to watch cartoons while I waited for the computer to figure out it was supposed to do something. With faster computers in this century, this is no longer necessary.