
I think he may be referring to the many protests that seem to happen during standard working hours over the course of many standard working days, as well as late into the night on nights before a standard working day.

The word "racism" means nothing anymore. It's become the new "literally." A word casually tossed around by one group with no effect on the other group because it's a tired cliché.

I wonder how many people will be there when Obamacare gets repealed.

They should have made a surprise Terrance and Phillip special like they did on April Fools all those years ago. It would have thrown everyone off, surprised the heck out of everyone, and even could have maybe tied in to the whole Canada theme.

lol people in the comments talking about how "we" lost. It's like how when someone's favorite football team loses they say "we" lost. Online, when this is pointed out the usual response is "it's the country that lost," but line only makes sense in some sort of parallel liberal universe where the people who made Trump

Probably. They have so much money at this point and have been doing it so long it's probably just like a second nature reflex sort of thing.

They had such faith that the power of their cartoons would actually influence voters. On a related note Seth MacFarlane said he was "taking some time off" from Twitter. It seems that cartoon makers don't have the influence they think they do.

Far more succinct yet accurately capturing the main thrust of the article.

"Can we please stop fetishizing Margot Robbie?"

Point Break continues to inspire me to this day.

But it made Short Circuit SOOOO much better!

Oh I'd take it, but I also wouldn't refuse to do an accent, therein lies the contradiction.

He has too much dignity to do an Indian accent but was OK with actively seeking a role in Michael Bay's Transformers. This dude has some strange morals.