
Truer words have never been spoken.

Very true.

I used to love trying to explain that West Roxbury was really part of Boston.

My mother was just horrified that in high school I said I wanted to be a Doctor. Since this was the very early 70's she pitched a fit. In her mind women just did not do that.

No kidding. Those pictures ruined my appetite and my vision.

Just remember that according, over $150 billion of consumer products in the US are sold through infomercials. You are in good company.

" A concealed truth, that's all a lie is. Either by omission or commission we never do more than obscure. The truth stays in the undergrowth, waiting to be discovered"

I will never forget going to a local y to swim laps years ago and getting ready to change into my swimsuit and here comes four Nuns in full Habit from the convent down the street wanting a tour of the facility. Saying" good afternoon Sister" stark naked just freaked me out.

Excellent advice. In mentoring people over the years, I have always made sure they know they need to be prepared for the discussion and know when it is time to stay or leave. I used to find it interesting that men were being paid/hired on what they had the potential to do and women were being paid/hired on what they

Mesmerizing and very funny. Amy is having her fifteen minutes of fame

But remember you are the only Golden Starburst award winner in the world.

It is like peeling back an onion with each layer getting worse. The Military just loves an acronym.. "Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program." Sounds like a tactical assult team.

I read them out of order and it was fine. I started with The Snowman and then went on to The Leopard.

  • Nesbo also has the Dective Harry Hole(pronounced Hooley) series which I really liked. I think The Bat is being translated this year and the others have all had the same translator.

I do the Library card thing once in awhile but it prevents me from bookmarking passages that I like.

I think you will like it. The series is good. Ah yes, the reading pipeline. If you are like me the pipeline gets ever deeper.

Very nice. Beautiful and simplistic.

You may want to have your hormone levels as checked. Having a hysterectomy can wreck havoc and if you are already having hot flashes along with depression you may need a lose dose off replacement hormone in addition or in place of prozac.

Ha, that is so me when I hear or see stupid shit.

The Olsen twins frightened me.