
Gamers are awful people. Full stop. In fact, nerds as a whole are pretty terrible.

In the past 5 hours "talking" to these people I have learned that criticism equals censorship, sexual objectification isn't sexism, and using Sarkeesian's materials in college courses is tantamount to indoctrination of college students... Because you would give someone an 'F' for disagreeing with your assigned

This is entirely tangential (for what it's worth, I agree with everything you said re: Sarkesian), but do you have any of the lectures or materials for that class online? Because it sounds totally fascinating.

"What in the actual fuck is wrong with the rest of you?"

I've convinced one guy that Anita never says that games are sexist or create sexism by asking him to provide the quotes and telling how he misinterpreted them. It's a serious case of reading comprehension, sadly. Plus, I guess they don't really watch her videos, but those of pro-GG Youtubers who "explain" what she

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary

Somehow, I don't think that question was about the identity of the wearer of the VAGINA MAKER.

You ask the important questions.

Now playing

In other news, I found this today and will now ruin the spoooOOOoooOOOky atmosphere of this discussion thread by sharing it.

>It should be a tough decision for the state to destroy the life of a child.

It shouldn't have been any harder than it was for these guys to ruin their victims life, and it seemed like that was pretty easy for them.

Here's an idea: if you don't want to ruin your own life, don't rape people.

I'm hype. I love going bra-less. My bestie has DD's and she would love to but it's just not feasible. I go without a bra as often as possible. They're just nippes — wtf are you looking at?

My sister had to sign hers in menstrual blood, and take her weekly turn at walking back and forth in front of the windows in her underwear carrying a sign saying "I WON'T FUCK YOU, VIRGIN, YOU SUCK." It was hard, but she did it for the sisterhood.

I have to say: I never, ever understood what it really meant for something to be "triggering" until I started following this incident, tried to read Rodger's "manifesto," and learned more about the conversations/cultures on these forums.


There's an opportunity here for someone versed in Tumblr to photoshop George's face over Jennifer's body on those tabloid covers with headlines like "Pregnant & Alone!" and "Happy at Last!"

I don't want to listen to the video because I fear it would unsettle me, but some of the Gawker comments have indicated that Cardosa admitted to the abuse and apologized. Is this true?