Coulda sworn this has been posted before.
Coulda sworn this has been posted before.
@Gervy: You just started and ended your thread with one comment?
@ChubbsMcGee: Huh, I always thought that the 360 had optical.
@hurricanedj: Valve already said Portal 2 is gonna be $50 on PC, and I prefer mouse/keyboard for fpses
@hurricanedj: No, you don't get the best graphics, you don't get mouse and keyboard control, and you don't get $10 off.
@JoJitsu4u: Best on consoles. Valve games are always better on PC.
@sereal_killer: I think the non-premium cars just get scratches and stuff. I'm not sure though.
@TBS Mulder: Scratches them. []
@SparkyPantsMcGee: Holy shit! Something that would make me want the Move, and Portal 2 on PS3! (as of now, I'm getting Portal 2 on PC)
@Onizuka-GTO: I want it on PC :)
@jack2pot: I think you mean ps1 games. Oh, and "Qore"
@xone9: Have you seen what it does to discs?
@Ars_Diaboli: I kinda think Wii looks better on a tube TV.
@NextGenPlayer: I'm guessing it uses optical, so no.
@BeerManMike: I never really liked the underground series. Hot Pursuit is easily the best.
@SAKY: Oh, you said for movement. Hmm, that might work actually.
Looks so good! Day fucking one!
@BeerManMike: No thanks.
@FiveSpeed: Awesome cover art. I hope they use that.
@SynKade: Those textures. In the GOW collection they up-res'd the textures, but it looks like they didn't change them at all here.