@Slinkytech: If you got shot the the knee with an M82, you'd die.
@Slinkytech: If you got shot the the knee with an M82, you'd die.
Future Shop (Canada) is doing a deal where you trade in one game, you get Peace Walker free! I'm using that deal!
Dude, I have a totally sick clan! You can join too! Just send me a pic of your nuts!
@WhoreofSpamylon: Because I don't want motorstorm to be set in a city.
I hope to god that this is fake.
I don't see what's so bad about the narration.
NHL 06 for PS2 for $0.99 used at EB games.
@Ali-Kharazi: I think they were intentional.
These grades don't mean anything. Sony's was the most fun to watch, and Nintendo's was by far the most boring.
@SirTheGentleman: 3DDGH
@icarus212001: Yeah, I facepalmed at dragonforce.
@sansa: I see 8 I like.
Megadeth – "Sudden Death"
I really wish this had a demo on PS3. I need to compare it to splitsecond!
How is that supposed to work? I don't even...
Well good thing I'm in vancouver!
@DocSeuss: Hmm. I've never encountered those problems for 7, maybe because I'm running 32 bit? Although I do like the new taskbar.
I guess I'm pretty average:
@DocSeuss: No, you need a new OS