
When all I had to dd was my Camaro, I’d put three 60 lbs tubes of and in in back. Was I a champ in the snow? No, but I made it to work everyday.

I’d be happy if people would just stop driving with bald tires and know your limits.

I was looking at picking up A $5000 used Leaf that needed a new battery. Before the supply and covid problems it looked like you could retrofit a newer battery into that Leaf to have 275 mi of range for $12k.

This would be even better.

True, but your talking about a car that was out-of-date one year after being introduced and then worse, continued on 10 years later just for fleet (rental/police) purchases.

They replaced the 4-spd slush box with a 6-spd slush box they changed to the 300+ hp LFX v6.

Why are these “hot garbage”?

Thanks for fixing the steering wheel in the second interior pic.

How many of us knew that was one of the rules?  I guess I don’t watch enough WOF.

Does anyone else think there is too much black plastic on the rear bumper?

Na, show Type-R Civic, because it needs more black plastic bits and angles on the back.

I disagree. I had a co-worker buy one and son and his buddies always wanted to take it out. I think the fun of it was it was so ridiculously awful of a car. And I’ve seen high-schoolers do so much worse to embarrass themselves.

One of my co-workers bought one of these a few years back. He always wanted to have a convertible. These were so darn cheap (for many reasons), he couldn’t pass on getting one. He enjoyed the ridiculousness of it every day since.


Umm... what jalop spends $30 for a tire rotation?  No they aren’t a pain in the ass without a lift.  You do it while doing your own oil change.

The aluminum tree with the motorized light wheel?

Just watch out for the nose on steep driveways and entrances.  Try to take them slow and at an angle.

Welcome to the club.  

My quick check says they have.  It is insane. I didn’t want to believe it either.

I’ve often wondered if WWII rationing had to happen now, would “mah freedums” be the rallying cry against it?  Also, does anyone know how much of America followed the rationing rules?  I’ve never heard how much backlash there was to rationing.

That center screen looks so out of place since the one behind the steering wheel is so small.

If you are going that far, I would make it so the new part would fit in place of the screen. Takes that “tacked on screen” off the dash and places knobs.

Like the opposite of upgrading your stereo head unit.  And any deeper features that are left off can be on your phone.