
Sadly though, a Karen of that caliber probably wouldn’t care, because they were ‘right’.  They love going to the manager.

Neat, but not $6200 neat.

Keep the SS!

Rob, you should find out the story behind this thing. Too much beer lots of time? Or this is the turn of events after being rear-ended?

There is a guy here in town who has turned his Explorer into a faux police cruiser. Steelies, pushbar, roof rack and “God Bless America” in small lettering on the bottom of the rear instead of “State Trooper”.

My 1985 Nissan Sentra 2 door. It had an awesome 69hp, but at least it was a manual transmission. My father had a custom body shop at the time so when we painted the car, we turned it from puke yellow to Dodge Viper yellow. The paint was more expensive than the car. Then to make it unique we ran racing stripes down the

I hope this is a better fix than what GM wanted to do on my unintended ignition rotation issue in my Impala. They want to cut up and glue something on my key so it doesn’t pull on the ignition the wrong way.

What a stupid idea. I’m sure it was cheaper for them than actually fixing what was wrong inside the steering

Or a Camaro if you occasionally need the 2+2 seating.

Code brown for the white Challenger driver!

I wonder what jet he has. It must not be a Cessna/Hawker.

I still want a Hayabusa powered Elio.

Did I miss something?  Why does it need to run?  It will be electric in the end right?

On the house front you have the possibility of getting it both ways and you could break even. You sell your home for more, but put that money towards the buying the next one. It worked that way for my mother last month.

I thought it was odd they ask what’s wrong in the lede photo and show the wrong end of the car.

The cars can be fixed, and the drivers are uninjured.  The nostalgia you can taste was worth it.  Nice to see them running and not gathering dust.

Yeah, I saw this when the channel started. Pretty sure I thought heard somewhere that this was fake. But he makes money for doing it, so on it goes.

Most Corvettes don’t see rain let alone ice to have worry about this. They sit in the garage as an “investment.”

1,000 feet is as long as an on-ramp for a highway. It wouldn’t need to do that kind of acceleration in cruise control. You could set it in that amount of distance or have it resume.

Not sure about this question. Gonna be a lot of humble brags on here.

Just addressing the part about the distance you stated. Nothing more, nothing less.