
Just curious, where are you located that trucks are “$2500 all day, every day in satisfactory condition?”  Because they aren’t here in the midwest.

You won’t find an S2000 for 10K that isn’t ruined.  $15k would do it though.

Dems fight’n words...

I keep checking the prices on SSs and G8s. The prices on them aren’t coming down fast enough unless it been thrashed.

Ooohh, this one isn’t pictured in a mall parking lot. Nice.

Isn’t this how the cars shift in the arcade game Crus’n USA?

I think it might be fun. It’s like a shifter instead of a couple of steering wheel mounted paddles. Could be fun, although I won’t be buying one in an SUV.

For a moment that looked like a big sticker someone put in the back of their car.

Unless you’re living under a rock, you know what kind of unrest is going on in the country right now. If you disagree with BLM protests, and label them as “rioters” or “looters” why would you think it’s a good idea to drive up to or through them? Even if you were on a highway as in the case in Tulsa, stop and wait

I like the self-destruct button. 

Neat, but does that thin of line show up when you are following that car in a heavy downpour? 

He is somewhere shedding a tear.

Unless you’re living under a rock, you know what kind of unrest is going on in the country right now. If you disagree with BLM protests, and label them as “rioters” or “looters” why would you think it’s a good idea to drive up to or through them? Even if you were on a highway as in the case in Tulsa, stop and wait

Even a CTS-V Wagon is still a dream at this point.

I need to configure a winning lottery ticket first.

Every time a Mustang fan points out that Chevrolet quit making Camaros as part of some insult, I remind them of the Mustang II.

I don’t get the hate either.

You wouldn’t happen to know with how many passengers and how much added weight in batteries on these flights?  I can’t find it online.

True, but most started with the math on paper and stopped there. I wish them luck going forward but they are making the bet that a leap in battery technology will be developed soon.

They should focus on the automotive industry first.

I think what he trying to get at is if you ran the numbers it would be obvious that this is concept impractical. I guess if you have the money to burn on the test-bed, then so be it.

The tree hugging comment is a bit off color, but what is meant by the flying cars comment is that society keeps predicting them in the ne

Elio Motors are you listening?  Who am I kidding. They won’t ever come out with a product.