
I wish automakers would get rid of the wheel arch plastic.

Wow, a F40 nose with Cobra hunches and a Supra wing. Then punch some speed holes in the side too.
It would be unique, but not for that money.     CP

Not trying to argue, you are right. The anecdote above uses a Toyota as an example (it must be an old example because that plant was closed in ‘09).

My contact for the Korean manufacturer says the American plant he was at had mostly mid and upper level management from Korea.

My contact for a Korean company said that for them it depends on the model.  Two were designed here, the rest just come over. 

That may be true, but only 10% of the cost of the car/truck is the labor to assemble it. 30% to materials, and 60% to overhead (engineers, marketing, HR, accounting etc).

and a driver who pays no attention to where the stuff at Wal-Mart comes from.

Who set this long tablet on the dash?

Cessna Denali then?

I don’t need a truck for my farm, I need to beat together one of these.  Looks like fun on many levels.

So many people drive around on bald tires oblivious to the dangers. We’re not going get inclusion on other hard to inspect parts.

Are we trying to get people killed?  This is how a Mustang meme gets started.

Judging by the street view on Google Maps, how in the world did they launch without hitting any cars?

If the price came way down...  I mean way, way down.  This could be a fun Radwood ride.

Among it’s many obvious issues...

Can anyone tell if the windshield is curved at all? Otherwise the glare on it will be brutal.

God it’s so ugly I want a Mach E.

Wow, I’d rather get a Mach E.  Yuck.

Wow, I want a Mach E now.

And since it’s Texas it needs flashy aftermarket rims and be lifted.

parking brake

This is Ford’s mid-life crisis car.