
Twice on suspected impaired drivers and once for the same guy I kept seeing practically running people off the road on the way home from work.

We need mandatory drivers tests every other year for those 60 and over.

Did I miss where it said they would run the ring with 7 people in it?

Is there a Delorean on the tracks?

These clientele for these makes it seems like they would send someone out to take care of this for you.

Almost done.

There are other ways of stopping China than forcing the public to pay and suffer because of Trumps poor economic policies.

Na, it’s on Fox News.

I was going to suggest those as well, but he could get a 2015 ATS with 78k on the clock for $20k. Have a nice looking car and save some cash.

Brad, don’t worry about impressing the passengers. You never will. In fact, if these guys really are a-holes, take’em somewhere in a Citation Mustang and make them clean out the honey pot after they use it.  Let me guess though, these are the types of passengers who can afford Gulfstreams not Cessnas?

I’ve been thinking of making a radio controlled bicycle (with training wheels) with a large doll on it. I could see drivers getting pissed for making them panic for a moment, but how can they justify speeding through my neighborhood after that.

Add a re-test every other year after the age of 60.

Actually, that kind of driving can keep others from getting to work on time. When three or four of those drivers have to merge at the last possible moment to make their exit everyone else behind has to slow down when they cut in. I causes a backup and at times I miss the light at the end of the ramp. It doesn’t help

I’ve noticed the same thing for those who a in a huge rush to get to work in the morning. Speeding, tailgating, weaving and cutting others off order to park and then sit in the car for 10 minutes before walking into work. With that kind of driving I expect someone to get of the car and sprint into the building.

The Camaro is dead again? It’s sales are, but a cease in production are rumors at the moment.

Aren’t those the “VIP” blue lights used for gov. officials, businessmen, celebrities and people who have paid enough in bribes? It makes sense the armored BMW would have them.

I have a feeling these only get test drove by guys with their checkbook open as they walk in the dealer door ready to pick out colors. That and they are kept inside the showroom.

It will trickle down into the other platforms just like everything else has if they do.

So did they upgrade anything else to handle the powerWas it a “Meh, I’m sure someone will buy it.” dealer attitude?

There are better ways of stopping China than forcing the public to LITERALLY pay and suffer because of Trumps poor economic policies.