
Just when I thought the Stars Wars edition Nissan Rogue was bad...

The real questions is, how much would they have to pay YOU to take it off their hands?

Looks like there is only three of us tired of these articles, per my informal survey. Otherwise we could wait for Vlad to come up with a new schtick and I’m sure the ones that care could subscribe to it.

Am I the only one getting tired of “wheels made of...” articles?

Out of the 487, what percent will make ones that burn up like those cheap Hoverboards did?

You beat me to it. The Toyota Matrix is back, but missing some side-rear glass.

Will it baby?  Can you put a rear-facing car seat behind the passenger seat when it’s adjusted for a 6' adult?

Infiniti driver: Just keep your key with you and lock your car.  Problem solved.

Since you seem to like vehicles of GM fare, why not a Chevy SS(or a G8)? Maybe criminals will think it’s a Malibu.

Did they catch the guys that stole it??!!???

Take the plastic cladding off, offer a twin turbo 3.6, and let us row the gears.

No, look up a Citation Mustang. Actually, anything Cessna is the “value” oriented business jet.

Is that a Buick?

When my wife and I were a two car house hold I taught her to drive manual on my Camaro. The day did come when she needed to drive my car. She was coming home from work when a small garden snake tried to slither out of the air conditioning vent of her CX9. She pulled over and called me to come get her. When I arrived

That Caddy looks like it has a spot for a 5.25" floppy disk.

I hope autonomous cars can sense “bad drivers,” and then report them to the authorities. If it happens enough, maybe they contact the driver and see what is going on. Does grandpa need to give of up his license or does the guy cutting people off needs his insurance rates to go up?

Or you can get an unmolested ‘08 with 25k on the clock with 430 hp for $25k. I know it’s short a few horses, but the newer model and less mileage make considering it a factor.

That won’t be the first Chevy to run on two cylinders... Have you ever seen what happens to a fleet of work trucks in the hands of employees who abuse them? An old 4.3 v6 in a Cheyenne work truck running on 5 cylinders was “one of the good ones.”

I have a confession. I DD a 2012 Impala. The believe the appeal for these was that they were (and still are) big, cheap and comfortable for those who just view a car as a utensil. This is what I was able to find in my area that suited my needs at the time. It fits to two rear facing carseats in back and still has leg

When I did FSAE, the day I brought the chassis back from custom painting one of our advisers walked over to it and keyed it (under the front end). I didn’t appreciate that. His reasoning was the same, but I didn’t agree.