
Can you believe people will pay the dealership $60 to put one for them?

“Also, if your overtake causes traffic in the overtaking lane to slow IT IS NOT A SAFE OVERTAKE, period.”

If it’s a giant version of Battle Bots (radio control), okay cool. Otherwise, any other mock battle or fight these guys are driving the top heavy equivalent of WWII tank (death trap from inside). I hope they have more in the way of interior fire protection than one fire extinguisher. Especially if you can’t egress

You forgot one key figure to your cost. Selling the perfectly good parts you take off. Not that you should do this....

“the rear seats are thrones compared to what’s in a Mustang or Camaro.”
But no picture of the rear seats? Nice review, but I’m just nit-picking.

I’d be too afraid to get a little curb rash on my rims parking any of these along the street. I guess if you can afford one, it wouldn’t bother you as much.

Shame on you for mentioning that. There goes more of my money.


Is it just me, or did they forget to paint the rear calipers red?

I’ve been very interested in learning the unintended consequences of using lithium in batteries. I could see lithium being the next resource we have to fight over, like it was oil. Once you account for mining, processing, recycling/disposal the old lithium batteries they may be just as bad as using fossil fuels. We

This looks like a job for a Citation Mustang.... look it up.

Reminds me of a business teacher I had who said that if McDonald’s tried going upscale by selling really good steaks, they’d still be fighting the image of being McDonald’s.

Yup, and can’t beat the free Sea-world and Busch Garden Theme parks tickets too.

My wife made me a deal. I could get a G8 CXP or an SS, but I would have to give up my ‘02 Camaro and the ‘12 Impala. It would be like combining the two cars I have into one car. I’d no longer have to worry about one being outside during hailstorms. I would get to enjoy the drive into work every day while hauling

When my grandfather used to work for Busch as forklift operator you were allowed to drink on the job. It was your personal responsibly to know your limits, or you lost your job.

This car wasn’t “meh.” It was a very nice car for the time. My family had one for a while. I really liked that car. I learned to drive in it, and took my turn driving it during long summer trips. For those familiar with it, you only confused it with an Alero when looking at the front. Which normal for 90's cars to

Aww that’s nice, so Mustang owners can continue the graphics faux pa of putting a horizontal stripe on the doors and a racing stripe down the center of the car. I’ve got a graphic artist background and I don’t know why anyone thinks that looks good.

What kind of car hit that Miata? It looks like it was hit with a telephone pole?

Get one of these for a DD, or as weekend toy the answer is Miata.

When my wife and I were a two car house hold I taught her to drive manual on my Camaro. The day did come when she needed to drive my car. She was coming home from work when a small garden snake tried to slither out of the air conditioning vent of her CX9. She pulled over and called me to come get her. When I