Plus the more recent examples of review bombing where GTA V and Rome 2: Total War. People here swear up and down that it’s not just “Steam Zealots” or PC Master Race twits but that’s basically what this is.
Plus the more recent examples of review bombing where GTA V and Rome 2: Total War. People here swear up and down that it’s not just “Steam Zealots” or PC Master Race twits but that’s basically what this is.
but they never posted any better examples of protesting.
Or when GTA V got review bombed several years after release, same with Rome 2: Total War. This appears to be the same, 7 years after original release is meaningless to review bomb! And it’s painfully obvious when you look at the overall score and it randomly drops at a specific period of time.
Im also guessing that love interests will be forced into it again despite it never being a series feature or focus.
Ugh, no, Ubisoft. Odyssey has be the most far removed entry into the series you could possibly get. This setting wouldn’t improve that. Go forward in time, connect the dots with Watch Dogs that you were planning years ago.
What’s an Amazon S3 bucket? Is it some sort of Data container like a cache or something?
So review bombing isn’t being done by Steam zealots? Because this isn’t the first article on that. What value does it add? Cause I don’t see the rational people that supposedly exists.
Review bombing is why ratings should be taken away from Steam users, this doesn't offer anything of value. And yeah, Valve is too slow on some features. How much of the UI has actually changed since the original release? Why is the store UI change still in development? Who even uses the voice chat when Discord has…
Yupp, describes my 200 perfectly before I got rid of it. Nearly killed me on a two lane road because of that nonsense.
I hope your friend got rid of this thing like I did. The damn transmission Chrysler used was useless. I nearly got into a head-on collision because the car decided when it wanted to respond to gas peddle presses. At the time it was my first new car was well, and worth it. Then it’s flaws really started to show.
Well you better stop playing every online game in existence then, cause guess what each of them do. You understand anti-cheat software or measures right?
I respect the work of USPS but I will say the people that service my apartment complex are a bit useless.
You’ve never worked at a Walmart have you. In what company or industry do managers respect their employees? I can’t think of any, most management are useless and just take advantage of their workers. We have less unions because companies don’t want unions to exist, because then they HAVE to treat workers fairly.
So because it might allow lazy people to be lazy or that it’s “too complicated” then we shouldn’t do it at all? That’s nonsense, and a lazy hot take from right wingers.
I can totally relate. I still haven’t finished Legacy of the Void. I don’t think I can till a Starcraft 3 is announced.
There are animals, but you can’t pet them.
should probably start looking for jobs with publishers who have actual standards for ethics, and who deliver on their promises.
Great, a reason to create more distance between the term gamer.
If we take a more extreme approach, blasting the name and face of mass shooters isn’t reporting the news. Some did it just for the attention. Violence is sensationalized, to deny that is denying reality.
And you liking the game (only 3 months?) is relevant how? No, doing one MMO doesn’t mean they are 100% ready for other online games. Again, the “quality” is speaking for itself here. They can do story telling, which is a valid argument, you just don’t like to hear it.