
Fallout 4 can’t even do modern resolutions like 1440P at 120Hz. Cranking up the the frame rate breaks the animation speeds and dungeons. And trying to force 1440P does nothing. The same thing with Fallout 76, capped frame rates and resolutions. That is in direct correlation to a shit engine. If Borderlands 2 (2012,

Fans let them get away with it for too long. Bethesda had their own little defense force on the internet and criticizing their broken garbage was like yelling at a brick wall. So while a lot of it is incompetence on Bethesda’s part, the fans have some share in the blame as well. Journalists also have some blame, especi

I had that issue with them as well. The only way I got them to delete the account was to threaten legal action against them, and not asking, but demanding. They listen really carefully after that.

Valve only reduces their cut after the game has reached a specific amount of money in sales. So by that time, Valve made their money already and it doesn’t matter.

Publishers need to know which lines to cross and which not to

Steam has had a couple decades to make it’s features. And as others have said, PC gamers cry consumer choice and Monopolies are bad. Untill Steam is challenged. The gamers review bomb a game. Which is why reviews by steam users is a cesspool. And cloud saving isnt that hard to implement. But sure, let’s put the cart

Yeah, that’s what happens when the content of your game consists of boning anything that moves and not much else. If the game was related to AC in any practical way and this wasn’t the main focus, it wouldn’t be a discussion that has to happen.

Kotaku already does that. That sums up the issues games journalists had with Gamer Gate, despite not actually understanding what the original intent was. And if someone connected to games, like a writer that makes herself look stupid on Twitter, that is also labeled as “toxic gamers”.

No, can’t say that I have. I don’t see it as necessary over a game. But if others do more power to them. But I don’t use much vacation to begin with, unless it’s over the limit an employer sets and it’s the end of the year. Or an absolute emergency. 

I didn’t say I wasn’t also an introvert. But with my luck, I take PTO for a game and regret using it shortly after if something way more important comes up.

It doesn’t come from a point of judgement. I just don’t like to give employers “ammunition” for termination, which using PTO they can still let you go, in the US at least. If others can work it that’s cool, just something I think about when people mention it. 

Better question, why are those that preorder still shocked when this happens? And quick follow up, why are you still preordering games?

Don’t preorder then? Does...does this STILL need to be explained to gamers? Come on guys...seriously.

Using GameStop...that’s your first problem.

Only if Youtubers stop flocking to MCM’s then watch as the MCM’s disappear. Just like this. The recent one like this was Defy media that did about the same thing.

They really don’t want to admit or confront how poorly they treated PC gamers after the Windows Vista debacle

Answering with violence wouldn’t make you any better than this person. In fact, it just lowers you to their levels. But at least you aren’t a parent, because then you would be one of those deadbeat parents that uses violence instead of their brains. Thought we grew out of the beating our kids to death era.

Or why E-sports is such a joke. Aside from ruining games that are focused on it and pretending to have a campaign (Starcraft 2 being one of them) you have to deal with these turds. The team has some blame on this, no doubt. But yeah, if this stemmed from the Reddit/4Chan cesspool it’s no wonder.

Yeah, pay for an ever increasing Prime subscription ($120.00 by the way) because Bezos needs another fleet of personal cars, but not get one of it’s “promised” benefits/features. No, I don’t pay for something that can’t be promised on. The other Prime offers like music and movies are already garbage, not much point in

It’s all good, lol. I was born in 1992, few more years to 30. :)