
I would love to see a Telltale WoW or Starcraft game. Would throw my money at that!

That’s rather quick, usually CEO’s in the middle of scandals usually leave that quickly. But otherwise you usually get a warning about it. What did Activision say to you, Mike?

And now his watch is ended...

What are your specs? Because it requires very little hardware to display notifications, certainly not enough to affect a game.

No, I can’t say that has ever happened to me. I know well in advanced when Windows wants to update. It’s never cut me off to update, so not sure how others have their machines setup.

Bacon contains a crap ton of fat, you won’t be losing weight by switching to bacon. The salt alone in bacon should scare away health conscious people. Coffee contains way more than healthy amounts of caffeine, also not a good choice.

So, you will be waiting the rest of your life then?

So no verifiable proof other than playing games and no apparent Game Development skills. Got it...

If you don’t think physics bugs can happen like this, than yeah your Conspiracy “theory” holds water.

Source for that?

Unlike those Bible thumpers/Republicans that freaked over Elvis and women showing legs. Totally didn't happen...

Objectified women from an obvious and unintended physics bug? Fuck off out of here. They responded and are changing it.

Live and let live never existed. Unless you are pretending the outrage from Elvis hip thrusting and Beatle’s music wasn’t a thing. Or women showing their legs in public.

Making more money doesn’t mean anything. There are more significant movies and music, sorry you don’t like that. Not knowing Skyrim doesn’t matter, at all. Your attempt at being superior because you know video games doesn’t work. Though I would love for you to walk up to a doctor and say they are fucking stupid

Sure you can. There are culturally significant movies and music. But games are inconsequential. Elvis Presley was significant and relevant. Stanley Kubrick was significant and relevant. Skyrim? Doesn’t even crack the top 10.

Are you serious? Not knowing what a damn video game is from non-gamers isn’t mandatory. There are more cultural significant ideas that are way more important than Skyrim.

The preservation argument has been used before and it’s kind of bogus.

So nobody review bombed the game because it sold blood and gore separate. (A war game that sells blood and gore separate? Really?) but this is what pushed everyone over the edge?

Wait, did a new season of  Bojack come out? Or are you just catching up?

If Twitch makes you happy, fine. But if it destroys your mental stability and you have other priorities, I.E. children, you better damn well be taking care of them first. Twitch doesn’t have benefits to parents, seems the people in the article haven’t figured that out yet.