
I have a book on her wardrobe that was published after stipulation in her will that nothing be touched for 50 years after her passing was up. It’s essentially a catalogue of her wardrobe by textile historians, and it’s really fascinating because many of the pieces were already vintage when Frida acquired them, and the

Este Haim approves.

White privilege

Honestly, I thought that was more about how tiring it is to put a kid to bed. I barely feel human after that sometimes.

I’m impressed you’ve got it together enough to open the laptop and comment, let alone read shit. Congrats and way to go!

Every time I see one of these articles I’m like HALLELUJAH, JOB SECURITY.

lol i’ve worked in the music industry since 1999

If I tried moves like that I would need a diaper for the effort.

I’d invite you to my Facebook feed, where super-moms chat AT LENGTH about the wraps they have for baby-wearing. They also discuss the horrifying monsters who put their babies in cribs, which is exactly what Hitler would have done if Hitler were a terrible mother and not a dictator.

That’s terrible. I’d have my kid trained to jingle the bell by the door so they can go out and poop in the yard with the dogs.

That’d be neat! It’s always fun stumbling upon something like that on PBS.

I had so many good things happen to me this morning, and then this happened.

I have a truly honest, non-trolling question.

Man, if I was Johnny Depp I'm not sure I'd even date without paperwork.

I’m 35 and sometimes get lumped in (when they say “born in 1980 or later”) and I just don’t see it either. I think a big distinction is growing up pre-internet/ post-internet.

for people ages 18 to 34

Well, off to buy Post and General Mills for the rest of my life.

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.


No, but all of my other concerns have been covered by the other commenters. I’m not trying to make a joke either, but it strikes me as odd that the child already had juice in her diet at such a young age. My mind ran with it in quite a few directions. Should’ve known better, gotta stay in a tight line over here at