
This is not particularly groundbreaking for web-only content. It’s literally the model for most webcomics, for example. Some people just want to read it in a book, or have a physical object, or not have to log into Pottermore.

But what about the games that don’t suck upon PC release? As in, it seems, most of them. What are they doing right? Also, wouldn’t a developer want to make content for the hardest platform so the others come easier (I really don’t know I’m not a developer)?

Typical Gizmodo click bait garbage. And I have to say this writer in particular, is horrible. If this is the standard that you’ve adopted for this Might be time to find some other sites to frequent.


He’s not in the same league- for white people. I guarantee you there were a lot of people of color that laughed harder at The Nightly Show than they ever did at Colbert, Stewart, or Bee. The fact that the latter can continue with their careers while Wilmore and his predecessors (W. Kamau Bell, e.g.) get cancelled just

The same banal commentary would have been made if it was a man who medaled and then got engaged.

Come on, Rachel. At the end of the day, whether people like it or not, most societies still consider marriage, children, etc, as the things you’re supposed to say are the most important in your life.

Holy fuck fans can be crazy people. I guess coming from the word fanatic makes it a duh moment but it doesn’t have to be literal!

Are you a science reporter for a major news network? Because that type of shitty distillation of actual science to the point where it is both misleading and useless is basically their M.O.

Well it IS a modern disease!

I didn’t call it racist. If that is what you construed from my post, then that’s on you.

At least they didn’t put her in the Obits like my hometown paper did.

Wow. Not that this excuses this little shitstain’s behaviour at all but with a father like that, that boy never stood a chance.

So gratuitous violence, interspecies romance with people, anthropomorphism and lack of diversity are okay.


Global warming leads to global farting. Great. Someone open the ozone hole to let the stink out please.

Meanwhile in bad science reporting....

Off-topic but I can’t seem to star any comments here. It just yanks the page back to the top.

For such an alarmist headline, that’s a pretty pointless article.

Listen up:

Unlikely, the function being disrupted is very different. The effect of acid on mollusk shell production is well noted; it has been studied in the lab in enough cases to be understood. I am not an expert on this particular topic, but my understanding is that there is a biological effect (it becomes harder for mollusks