I'm not sure anyone is, mate. But I've never played Skyrim, so it's a nice little selling point that I'm pretty excited to give a go once I've finished Zelda.
I'm not sure anyone is, mate. But I've never played Skyrim, so it's a nice little selling point that I'm pretty excited to give a go once I've finished Zelda.
Yeah pretty sure it's cheaper than the PS4 was at launch a few years ago - about £70 cheaper in the UK I think? Considering the massive inflation we've experienced lately, it doesn't seem like that high of a price for a new console in 2017 at all. So I am REALLY not understanding why so many people are complaining…
I do agree that I've been let down by the lack of games. It would have been nice if there were more games. But really, how many games does one person need, and realistically have time to play? I've got ~15-20 games on disc and a bunch more indie and classic titles on virtual console… I've never really felt like I've…
I dunno, I am fully willing to buy Mario Kart 8 again. REASONS!
I am honestly kicking myself for not pre-ordering one now. I can't wait to play Zelda to a ridiculous degree, and feel like it'd be a waste to pick it up for the Wii U when I will be buying a Switch EVENTUALLY, and am exactly the kind of sucker to buy the damn game twice.
In spite of myself I really did like the look of the trailers, kind of want to give this a go even though I am 100% over superhero films at this point. Well, 98%, apparently.
I am tempted to buy one last game for my Wii U, but I really want a Switch so I may as well play Zelda in an even shinier format.
The sheep herding lasts like ten minutes max, come on. Never understood this criticism of recent Zelda games, particularly from people (not saying this is you btw) who will gladly sit through an actual half hour of cutscenes at the start of a Mass Effect game.
Oh, they will! Just don't expect them to enjoy it as much as you do…
Nah not the Scala, but been at their early-December Brud show the last three years running!
That's interesting, I've seen them every year for the past god knows how many at this point, and they've consistently and gladly broken out HONY tracks - they play ATP pretty much every show, and I lost it time before last when they broke out We Exhale. I think it's just You Me Dancing that they begrudge playing,…
Hello Sadness was a huge letdown for me after Romance Is Boring/All's Well That Ends/Too Many Flesh Suppers/Heat Rash all came at once and pretty much set Los Camp! up as the greatest band in existence, so I loved No Blues because it felt so much like a do-over of a few things Hello Sadness got wrong. After going back…
Romance Is Boring is an absolute masterpiece, always legit shocked when people don't rate it!
It absolutely is their weakest - their least subtle, least interesting and whiniest. Large parts of it were rewritten in a hurry and it shows. Has some of their best songs on it, some of their outright worst, and a lot of their most forgettable.
Objectively correct LC! album ranking:
Really? I like the start of Season 4, there's a few really good episodes before it falls off the deep end.
I think she definitely holds the record for the most deaths in Buffy/Angel by quite a wide margin - four? She's absolutely one of my favourite characters in both series, whether they bring her back in flashbacks or for real it's always great. Also love her role in Desperate Housewives, but she doesn't die in that.
Legitimately shocked that Eisley is still a band, equally glad they're still at it.
Yes, very true, it is FULL of tiny text that even my eyesight (which is p. good, unlike my hearing, which has been ruined by hardcore shows) struggled with. The beauty of it was, you could tap a button to switch the TV screen to the gamepad if you needed to read anything close up - which made it easier. Or you could…
Charles and Rudy!