
Ugh that song. Like, it's OK, but it's one of many things that just ruins DCFC a little bit because of stupid stuff like that.

Toot toot! All aboard the Merzboat! I made this along with a Merzbus many years ago, the boat was always more popular. i'm glad it continues to delight!

Woah now, you absolute monster. I love me some Death Cab. Well. Mostly. Some of their records are not v. good.

Ugh, the "flawless masterpiece" tag ruins that solid, pretty great but not the greatest record just as bad as memes do tbh.

I saw The Shins play New Slang earlier this year and it was glorious - it's like an old friend that's been through some rough times and done some stupid things but still knows how to pull itself together when it needs to.

Pretty much all of Hounds of Love is on it! Heavy on Aerials stuff too, which sounds very, very good.

To be honest, you'll never get into any band that you feel like you're expected to like. I have this with The Decemberists, Mountain Goats, anything post-Funeral by Arcade Fire, and any Brian Eno album that isn't Ambient 1 or 4.

I have this ready to listen, I was at one of the shows and it was absolutely stunning. The main draw is definitely the Sky of Honey without Rolf Harris - it was probably the dreamiest, most beautiful part of the show. Though a quick scan through to see how it sounds tells me it may be a bit rougher round the edges

Nah, Australians are all "where's the car", while New Zealanders are more "where's the car".

This looks worse than even Frisky Dingo (which I love, but does look rough) though, to be fair.

I know those words but your suggestion makes no sense.

token tetsuooooooooooooooo comment

Jesus and his Judgemental Father are local to me, I wrote that description in a review a couple years ago! Nice.

Nanjiani is one of those people (see also Jon Benjamin and Nathan Fielder) whose voice and timing is so perfect that everything they say is inherently funny.

Really? Man, I love it when people argue in space. Space dickheads is truly my favourite genre of sci-fi. See also: Firefly/Serenity, Cowboy Bebop/

The first season is undeniably hard going. Season two picks up and by the end of it it's great. There's occasional dips (start of season four) but it's well worth sticking out to the end of the series ant the Peacekeeper Wars miniseries which wraps it all up veeerry nicely.

Literally had the exact same comment planned.

God, when Farscape really gets going there's honestly not much sci-fi that actually tops it. But at its worst, it sure is embarrassing.

As a kid I did love the first three seasons of Family Guy, and enjoyed maybe up until season six at a push. I used to watch it daily. Bits from the first three do still make me laugh when they pop into my head because there were some legitimately great jokes and lines in there, (side note: leaning over and whispering

I'm really trying hard not to let online content farms make me callous about people's deaths. I had no idea who this guy was outside of Star Wars (which needed prompting), but I can't just say "so what". RIP, not copying anymore. All the best to his friends and family. 2016 feels like the sort of year to have a heart,