
I have had similar thoughts, actually. The first all-stars had a pre-ordained winner so it kind of wouldn't surprise me. Alaska's doing really great but it's true that if there were 3 in the bottom last week, she could've been in it (although I would've put Roxxxy in the bottom instead. because I don't like her.

Wow, I had no idea that Phi Phi's outfit was supposed to be Belle. That really didn't come across to me, am I the only one?? I did wonder what the swiss maid look had to do with a 1920s look, but I didn't make the connection to Belle at all.

The description of the episode on my DVR said something about how the skits would be "co-starring Big Freedia" and also specifically said "guest judge Nicole Scherzinger". Still surprised they didn't make a big deal out of Big Freedia, like they usually do with all the guest judges (ie: announcing it to the queens so

Her crazy, saggy, swinging old lady boobs made me laugh, but that was really the only good part of her performance.

Seriously. I really felt like Ru suddenly wants Katya GONE, for some reason we don't know. (sorry for double posting, replied to the wrong comment below!)

Seriously. I really felt like Ru suddenly wants Katya GONE, for some reason we don't know.

Ashley Ray-Harris, I just wanted to thank you for this article since almost nobody else here seems to have liked it but you said everything I've been thinking about the episode. And I'm not even sure why nearly every comment here is about how wrong you are since almost everyone I follow on social media have been

So was this also the inspiration for Hawk & Chick??

Thank you for recognizing this show! I was never a fan of JLD until I caught an episode of this show after it had already ended (don't remember which one but I think it was season 2) and thought it was hilarious. I still quote it constantly.

The first season is definitely the weakest but you're rewarded for sticking around by the second season. I have it on DVD and still watch it all the damn time.

Oh man, when Christine and Matthew are making the family tree in the "Come to Papa Jeff" episode and figure out if they had a baby together how it would be related to everyone. I loved those awkward moments between those two.

Really, AV Club? "90210 veteran"??? You could've cited his best past role on Happy Endings.

I saw him last September and I swear he has the most well-oiled machine of a show ever. Broadway plays wish they had their shit down this good. We were sitting way on the right side which meant I could see into the wings on stage right and see just how down pat they've got every second of the show rehearsed.

Ahhh, I see, I'm watching with tainted eyes, but your vision is the true one. And don't worry, you are far worse than Bob. Thanks for reminding me why I rarely comment.

…Bob, is that you??

HA! Curses that I can only upvote once. I was starting to feel like the only person who wasn't gagging on her outfits.

I did notice that the movie was not mentioned AT ALL, only the book. Hell, Judy's name wasn't even uttered once, I don't think, so I figured the show didn't have the budget to pay to reference the movie at all.

Are you watching Untucked? Because Bob has been pretty nasty on Untucked. And his problems with Derrick haven't faded, he started with Derrick again on last night's Untucked. I described it further up (or is it down?) the thread.

Michelle coined Bob's behavior perfectly as "showboating." Like, doing one character well in Snatch Game is a win, changing to another character halfway through is showboating. And makes me fear for other, less-talented queens trying it in the future.

No, the prize for the reading was jewelry from Fierce Drag Jewels. Like, EW couldn't have offered a prize of an interview or feature on their website?