
Down with horsepower. Up with weight.

If only the GT86/FR-S/BRZ had more power this could have been completely avoided

Well, they got off scott-free with that one, so why would they feel reason not to beat an unarmed man as well?

Saying how you think Jesus would act is blasphemy. No human can try to empathize with the son of God. There’s also the fact that at one point of his life, Jesus sat there after learning he was going to die to forgive humans of the original sin and accepted it. These bakers couldn’t even make a cake for people they

Jesus built his whole reputation on humanizing the other. All that stuff about washing lepers’ feet and associating with “fallen woman” Mary Magdalene and “whatsoever you do unto the least among you, you also do unto me” was, to quote Nathan Arizona, his whole goddamn ray-zon dettra.

If I could flip effortlessly like that, I would do it on my way to the bathroom or to refill my drink.

The Braun Series 7 is my favorite.

The Braun Series 7 is my favorite.

Affluenza teen got probation for killing multiple people. 5 years is crazy


In cases like these, investigative reporters should interview the jury to find out their reasoning. I’m also interested in learning more about the racial makeup.

Please post more emails from Fanbois. Just write an article saying “Mustang GT: Worst Car Ever?” or something and watch the clicks and hate roll in.

The problem is disproportionate coverage that creates the incorrect impression that semi-autonomous vehicles—and in particular Teslas—are inherently dangerous in and of themselves.

The sad thing is that this is the 200th time this particular groundhog has died this particular way.

Going to your average job site, there are 2 types of construction workers. The 3-5 guys that all show up in a 10-15 year old minivan with their tools locked up in the back, out of the weather, between 5-8 ladders on the roof rails, and they take home 90% of what they made that day. Then there are the “real men” who

LeVar Burton and Ta Nehisi Coates need to appear in Kanye’s bedroom some night dressed as ghosts and make Ye read some damn books.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.


That BMW’S have turn signals.