
I was a pastry chef when I was younger and I hated making red velvet cakes because of all the goddamn dye they used (which my bakery hated to purchase for us because it was too expensive) and then of course everything would get stained red and you look like fucking Carrie for a day. I still hate cakes to this day.

I made my husband a green velvet cake for his birthday, and he thought I was trying to kill him because of the color of his poops. His birthday is July 3rd and it can be impossible to find red food dye, so I used green instead. Bad idea in hindsight.

I think carrot cake is too healthy (though I appreciate the orange reference). I think a Trump-cupcake would be more like a stale twinkie covered in a ganache made of melted circus peanuts and excessively studded with those metallic decorating balls.

There’s a few things to it.

It disturbs me how many fellow Dems engage in deflection and redirection when it comes to this issue - making it about Bill’s infidelities rather than alleged assaults.

Wow. This kid is fantastic. “If any young men find themselves in a situation similar to mine, I urge them to consider the predatory nature of anyone sexually pursuing someone half his own age.

Update: The teenager wrote about this experience earlier this year, and makes it pretty clear that he felt used and uncomfortable:

I was old enough to know better, but I guess I was still young enough to still do something stupid.

I found this out years ago in a different way. If your child’s birthday cake icing is dark blue or black...your poops show up BRIGHT BLUE! It’s a rather startling thing...good thing that all of us had it we’d have likely gone to ER to0.

The 70s had some pretty great stuff. Pink poos, Harold & Maude, and velour.

normally i would hate the pants! but for some reason the pants are working for me.

I watched her a bit on celebrity marriagecounselling thing, I came out liking her a lot, th I king her husband is even skeevier than I imagined and convinced that her mom did indeed sell her to the highest bidder.

Hollyweird is weird. I kinda feel for her. She’s packed so much life in so little time.

I haven’t seen a pic of Courtney in awhile, but what in holy hell? Is that just makeup or has she gone mad?

My then-boyfriend and I, back in the early 2000s and each Halloween season, would buy boxes and boxes of Boo Berry cereal, which gave us blue-green poops for most of October and into November. So this wasn’t necessarily a phenomenon limited to the distant 1970s.

If your kid has ever eaten a cupcake with blue frosting, you know this phenomenon still exists.

My son really wanted blue pancakes once so I obliged. We all pooped blue and it scared the shit out of me until I realized it was the pancakes.

Don’t forget lawn darts, clackers, Mom and Dad smoking in the car with the windows up, riding in the car to Florida in the back window cuz who needs seatbelts.