
But a lot of fairy tales and old stories are creepy as fuck. I don’t think that’s a reason to dispose of them and just eliminate them from the fairy tale/kids’ stories canon.

Only Belle and Beast I acknowledge in Live Action.

A) Meredith.

Italy. Once I had a German friend during study abroad who told me he could not travel to Italy because he had been convicted of a robbery there. The problem was that he was actually speaking at a conference at the time of the robbery, almost 900 miles away. He is on a time stamped video with a clock and hundreds of

Nick Pisa is disgusting. He didn’t give a fuck about the girl who died or the lives of people he ruined. He was just focused on talking about how great it felt to churn out trashy headlines after another. It was terrifying to see how he lacked a conscience. And the whole thing was just fabricated through sexism. “Oh,

There exists no evidence that even begins to suggest she’s guilty. Every bit of evidence says she was a victim.

This was what she dealt with while being falsely imprisoned.

(Knox was even falsely told that she had HIV and encouraged to write a list of all the men she had slept with. The list was then released to the press and published across the world.)

B.) Why the fuck did they feel the need to have her dancing to “Booty”. Forget Hough, seems like the producers are simple shits and masters at pigeon holing.

“One of my closest friends is black! I mean, she was my roommate in college 10 years ago. Well, my roommates friend. And we don’t stay in touch, but she’s on my facebook. I totally like her BLM posts!”

“Historically black neighborhood” aka black people lived here once, before we pushed them out.

So if everyone just writes it on their window... RACISM SOLVED!!! Guys we just need some of that window chalk stuff and we can fix EVERYTHING.

I think they were upset tha the BLM sign was removed so it wouldn’t be seen on the show. They also state BLM Portland also meets there regularly, and are also reminding people of the historic racism of the Oregon and Portland in particular. Oregon was formed to be a “white utopia”

i wonder if they have any people of color working at the store

“Like, black lives totally matter, you guys.”

“We have black lives matter written in our window”

It’s maddening. People are willing to give up civil liberties (hello? patriot act?) because of the possibility of muslim terrorists, but heaven forbid we try to curtail guns in this country even as our children are killed every single day.

Right? Back in my day, which was oooooonly in the 80s/90s, we had earthquake drills, tornado drills, and fire drills. You know, things that are mostly unavoidable.

My mom used to tell me about how in elementary school in the ‘50s they had to do duck and cover drills in case the Russians bombed us. This is sadly the new version of that.