
We saw her a few weeks ago opening for Brian Ferry and I am utterly obsessed. This was interesting:

It’s the Year of Simone, a tagline that in another context might be corny, but here is melting all inclinations

Now playing

In a weird bit of synchronicity I was listening to this (look for the hand claps). It lined up perfectly (@ 2:46)


Halp! Why would you push the baby back in like that? Holy hell why? Is that normal? Does it fucking work like that?

I am absolutely convinced at this point that Trump is literally sitting up at night thinking up the most insane, ridiculous, offensive, bat-shit nuts things to say in the desperate hope that the GOP removes his nomination so he doesn’t have to actually go through with being the President of the United States.

I’m gonna get up on my soapbox and I don’t care. My father is a retired Colonel in the Marine Corp who was a platoon leader in Vietnam in 1968 at 21 who lost 50 of the 100 men whose lives he was in charge of. He was head of security of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, four days after my mom walked out on him. He

Between destroying America, taking away people's guns and being a kenyan citizen, when did Obama find the time to be the founder of ISIS? Does he have a time turner like Hermione?

This kills the donut. A better donut smore would be a graham-flavored donut with marshmallow icing and chocolate drizzle.

That’s a fucking abomination.

Actors and musicians are artists first and foremost, we shouldn’t need to know every ounce of their personal life, it’s their job to entertain us through fiction (or nonfiction if biographical/historical). Their lives aren’t our entertainment, their work is. There’s a clear difference between someone like Renee


The more you have the more you lose that self control and you end up with a voice inside your head that says “ I’m good. I can totally have more!”

because a lot of people need a defined rule

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

Any time I see black laquered anything and gold, I wonder if there was ever a time when it didn’t look tacky and gaudy.

The pink and green kitchen is amazing. I don’t care. It is. The hobbit dining room is a little more ... doubtful, but if you got rid of the stools and let your guests sit on the floor, it’s also not too bad.

Actually, it did not work for David Vitter. See his most recent race.

Technically Kazakhstan is in Centeal Asia, but who counts.