
If you actually take the time to read the article their positions make a whole lot of sense...certainly more than the usual republican position. And isn’t one of the most common criticisms of Republicans that they stop caring about the person/fetus the moment they are born? These people seem to at least not be

When I rewatched it last year, I got so pissed how often they would go to Luke’s, order food, and then leave before eating any of it. And they rarely paid! That being said, I still love the show.

Now playing

They put layers and layers of concealer/foundation/whatever on their faces. It’s ridiculous.

I’m trying to be optimistic. Humanity has always been pretty awful, but maybe the technology and communication will be like a mirror to us and we will see how horrible we treat one another and finally strive to be better

Agreed. It’s always been this way. Even the briefest glimpse at history shows this and yes technology is just making it very clear how terrible things really are because now we all have access to each other’s news. Mostly anyway.

Also from my observations while living in Japan, people with disabilities are even more disenfranchised and invisible than they are in the west. You almost never see people with visible disabilities out in public. It’s sickening but not surprising that some twisted motherfucker might view the disabled as subhuman when

Yes, as a PWD, I’m feeling kind of cynical about the reactions to this. I guess this incident helps define the limits of what crimes against the disabled are deemed acceptable by the abled and which aren’t. Mass knifings = bad, but “poor overwhelmed parent” of disabled child killing said child = lots of sympathy for

I feel like we all need this right now.

Ah, what happens when ableism is left unchecked, and people regularly pontificate about the “burden” that some people are. Shit like this makes my autistic self shudder. How many people out there think I deserve a stabbing because I utilize social services?

I’m done with this year.

These are the kinds of threads and comments that make me really hate reading Jezebel sometimes. I’m not a white male, and I’d be chanting right alongside those people if I were at the convention. I guess the voices of non-white, non-male protesters don’t count. They are literally never acknowledged. It’s been this way

I agree with everything but the “dumb women” part. I don’t agree or think it was necessary. But yeah wtf DNC why are we not more furious about this?

I always understood that Amazonian women warriors were one-breasted (bow+arrow shooting). Looks like your example is. Guess we can expect that in a popular comic. But it would be interesting.

Not that similar. She calls the secretary a slave because she describes her job as following someone around and doing what they say. Wonder Woman is an Amazonian fighter wearing what she chooses.

People around here are quite annoyed by how female superheros are generally more scantily clad than male ones however it makes sense with Wonder Woman that she’d be wearing what she’s wearing rather than Powergirl’s totally unnecessary boob window.

Dude, did you see 300? Those dudes were just as scantily clad. The Greeks just like their naked people, man, regardless of gender. In this case Hollywood isn't wrong about how Amazons dressed.

I hear it really lets the ass breathe.

That’s how I felt with the books. The first two were OK. Not great but not terrible. By the last book I was like “What is this shit?” and wanted to throw them across the room.