
She must be beautiful, because she is obnoxious as hell.

It’s called self control. You can quit smoking too, if you quit buying cigarettes.

Dick takes blow to the head

Now you have some perspective on just how heavy these things are.

Yeah, those aren’t “angel eyes”.

Possible, but too difficult due to the effects of dirty air. For the race to be more interesting, keeping fans necessary for the sport to stay alive, passing needs to be more of a factor. Rosberg and Hamilton were more closely matched, but due to a poor start by Hamilton, Rosberg was able to open an unsurmountable gap.

I avoided Jalopnik today until I was able to watch the recorded race. Really not sure why the winner has to be part of the headline. It’s just an obvious spoiler.

Not at 110 MPH! Driving at highway speeds, 65 to 70 mph, I got 51 MPG (US gallons)

3 months? I think the 328d wagon that I drove for 8 months had a DEF fluid container good for 15,000 miles. The dealer would refill it at it’s service interval. Change your oil and fill your fluids at the same time, how difficult is that? Pretty sure that running out of DEF fluid would put the car in a mode that would

There is a similar case involving PEDs. The event is the Tour de France and the athlete is Lance Armstrong. Not only did he have to return winnings but the event doesn’t acknowledge a winner for the years in question. It’s as if it didn’t even occur. Maybe the Yankees view A Rods “record” in the same light.

Maybe I’m missing something. .223/5.56 ammo is about $0.50 a round. You should be able to zero a rifle to 100 yards with about 5 rounds in 15 minutes or less.

I should add that I work there and I ask, “Who the fuck is running this car company?” every day.

I’d rather ride a hot Italian chick with a Vespa.

“Wait, what’s that? They sell a five-door minivan? Well then of course it must have an odd number, owing to its practical, family-friendly body style! Wait, it’s called the 2 Series? Well, shit. Who the fuck is running this car company?” And this is the best paragraph.

‘69, for some reason it’s always a favorite.

38 degrees? How do you pour concrete on a hill that steep? I’ve ridden a bicycle up a 24% grade (13.5 degrees) and wondered how they were able to put a steam roller on it.

You can’t have a rail system like Europe without a population density like Europe. You’ll also have to subsidize it like the Europeans do.

They were actually very good at dimming for oncoming traffic as well as trailing cars from the rear. I’ve never read what they use as a sensor but I believe it was a camera and not a simple light sensor. The car could detect tail lights on a vehicle well ahead in the distance. The algorithm that determined when to dim

I like the way the car looked as I was approaching after unlocking the doors. It just looked better, more sinister, than the xenon headlights. As far as effectiveness on the road, I think I prefer the xenon lights. There were times when I was approaching reflective street signs where the reflection was so intense that