
If only there wasn’t a minimum wheelbase requirement...

“pig-buggery roots”, that’s awesome.

Yeah, had that too. Past tense. I drive them for about 5 months.

I had a short-term lease of a 2015 428i convertible. I had been driving it for a few weeks when I realized that it had headlights that would sense oncoming cars and would switch to low-beam or high-beam accordingly. I’m driving to work, at night, thinking this is just the best option since the neck warmer (another

Interesting concept... until you have to put other cars behind it and realize you’ll need about 10 empty flatbeds before the first boxcar. Then you realize the noise. Those are not the “quiet” jet engines we currently have. Those are the noise monsters that still power some of the FedEx planes that frequent my local

When I owned my own business, I only had a couple experiences with bankrupt customers. In one case a customer that had one of our older machines ordered a few thousand dollars in spare parts. This was very unusual for them. When it cam time to pay their invoice, I received notification of their bankruptcy instead.

Reversed takeoff footage? So the higher the rocket flew the less smoke there was on takeoff? Interesting.

That's the same Miata I posted, though I'm still in the gray so maybe unread.

Isn't the answer almost always ... Miata? This one is $2350 and comes with a new top. That leaves another $650 for maintenance, replacement of belts, hoses, new shoes, etc., before putting on the road for beater duty.

It’s a Mini Cooper. A heads up display is overkill.

Smoke and mirrors, without the mirrors.

They left of veal! Since it does not have to live to maturity, water requirements should be less, right? It's delicious too!

I’ve driven a few times in Italy. I had to pass on the opportunity to drive a Ferrari 355 so I could get the 320d back to the rental agency on time.

Because a hole that large in a wheel, 0.010 is pretty big for air, would quickly result in a no pressure situation. However if the hole was in the rubber then the hole would be semi-self sealing, not continuing to bleed pressure below a certain point.

Not really that small of a drill bit. We used to sell industrial equipment with 70,000 holes of that diameter drilled into 316 stainless. And yes, they were drilled with a bit, not punched with a broach. 3:1 l/d was common.

Then the ad at the bottom of the page, “2015. Jeep. Grand Cherokee.” “Jeep. The best of what we’re made of.”

They had faces?

If it sounds too good to be true ...

Looks like the ground clearance, or lack thereof, would have had me bottoming out on the pothole I hit earlier this evening.