
I am sick of mason jar Pinterest crafts to the point I wish there was a way to block or filter them.

Hasn’t she also defended Polanski in the past?

Bangers and mash (we enjoy our English heritage around here, lol), probably gonna watch Captain America and drool over Chris Evans. Well, I will. Can’t speak for who the husband will be drooling over.

I kept my name, but some of our friends still address cards to us as Mr & Mrs Hisname, and we’ve been married nearly ten years. I have gently reminded them that his name is not mine but no dice. I fear I may have to be less gentle should it persist, as this frustrates me. :/

Noooooooooooooo. God bless you but I do not think I could keep my cool if someone peed in my mouth with no warning.

I wouldn’t want someone finishing near my stove.

This is not my story. I was merely an observer on this crazy wedding hook-up ride.

YES. You said everything. Never hated hosts either, but God when they got too nervous to deal with customers and fucked one of us over...

I never hated hosts, really. I mean, generally if you’re cool with them they’re cool with you. But I think dealing with any 15-17 yo in a work context will get frustrating some times. But I can’t remember hating hosts, really. Not that I blame people when they get pissed when they get triple sat bc the host isn’t

The best kind of host is a host with serving experience! I can’t even tell you, the day a host turned 19 and was old enough to start serving, they became better hosts in less than a week.

I actually e-mailed her back to thank her for submitting a long, entertaining post that barely needed any editing. I think I made one edit to that thing.

I want to kill the family that harassed the host. Hosts are meant to be the punching bags of the servers, not the customers.

Sweet, sweet Casey. You had my attention with the LD language, my heart at your similar dislike for grody frozen lattes, and my sympathy when that hamfisted bitch threw said drink at you. Jesus.

This just happened to me, but with St. Ives lotion. I've been using the St. Ives collagen booster (forget the exact name) for a decade. All of a sudden, my legs broke out in awful hives that would not go away no matter what. Switched sheets, switched detergent, cut out dairy, etc. I thought I was going crazy. My bf

I lived in Galway in the early part of 2000's and I still got side eye buying condoms at Boots. I swear. Didn't help that my husband and I were all of 25 when we moved there and had a kid, so I looked like all the other young unwed (gasp!) mothers they so loved to judge.

Oh, hey, I remember that murder. Yikes.

I think she clearly states multiple times that they were youngsters who were young.

I can't believe I missed this. I have one of the best horrible honeymoon stories from my first wedding:

It was two decades ago in a very quiet part of rural Ireland; I wouldn't place bets on the little old lady's condom familiarity prior to getting a surprise present of a lot of used ones in a bag. A decade earlier, condoms were almost impossible to buy in Ireland. It's a very different culture. And I would hurl NOW if

where is the naked in the hallway story with the generous asian man?