Oh. Well, that's the one I love then.
Oh. Well, that's the one I love then.
Wow I'm going to have to hear this when the episode review posts because I loved it. The under the sea one, right? How did you not like that ep!?
I dunno, the episode coming up is soooo great. I was mixed on this episode and the premiere, but the next one got me good.
Obligatory mention of The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, and Overboard.
I would pay good money for them to do Batman vs. Superman. That movie needs MST3K.
I worked for him. He's great with the big ideas but he's not so good with being practical. Like he wanted Vermont to be a socialist utopia. But for all of us living there, it was a great idea but we still had to live. And as a resident, we were more concerned with pot-holes than what a utopia was.
Not subtracted!! Just enjoyed. I was engaging in conversation.
I wonder if they know how much their voice mean to us. Of how, in our generation, they are Martin Luther King, Jr. or Susan B. Anthony.
I always thought Stephen King and James Cameron were of the same ilk —- they were brilliant, they were the dreamers of dreams, but it never translated unless they had a good editor. For a long time, both of them did and it was transcendent. But when they were left on their own, it got muddled and messed up.
They were just in strung-out shape. But if they had stayed frostly and alert, it would have better.
I wrote a comment and then realized I was talking nonsense. Please ignore.