
My dad’s been bitching about his pool for two decades now. All I know is when things go bad his solution is to throw more “shock” in it. I have no idea what “shock” is or what it does. Maybe the Rio folks should try that.

I enjoyed Flip or Flop one time. It was a couple weeks ago. They LOST money on the house. It was fucking glorious.

After careful consideration, and hour long (coughthreesecondscough) deliberation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I’m all:

I know every body is different but that ‘belly’ is baloney. She’s just sticking out her abdomen. (Not saying she isn’t pregnant, just that she hasn’t popped yet.)

I - shamefully, but whatevs - read celebrity gossip daily. I would not be able to pick him out in a crowd. Someone’s suffering a little bit from delusions of grandeur.

Does he really think the people having emergencies in the emergency room give even half a shit about some random white guy who looks like every other white guy on this planet?

My daughter works at Olive Garden as a hostess, they were really good to her throughout her pregnancy, shortening her shifts, giving her shifts where she rolls silverware instead of standing at the hostess desk. Before coming back, she discussed the fact that she was breastfeeding with the managers and would need to

I just flew Frontier this past weekend and this is the cherry on top of a shit sundae. #southwestforlyfe

Not ready when it’s your turn? To the back of the line with you!

I dunno, I *get* the outrage. This whole “meternity” thing shows that most people think maternity leave is a perk or a vacation and not a necessary time to heal after EXPELLING A HUMAN BEING FROM YOUR BODY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I mean, the fact that maternity leave still isn’t mandatorily(ok i made that word up) paid

Platinum is not working for Taylor Swift.

Okay, it’s been three days and I’m already over all things “Becky with the good hair.”

How do you see the clothes from the seasons???? I can only see a quarter of a photo on each paragraph. I must unlock the secret to reading at this fabulous post. Please help!

Celeste Barber does it again!

Am I seriously in the minority here? I thought last night’s episode was fantastic! It had everything, explosions! Death! Firewater! Daryl! Glenn yet again escaped death by a narrow margin! Daryl!

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.

Uber markets itself as simpler and cheaper than cabs because you don't need to tip. If they've changed their pricing scheme to the point where tipping is now necessary to make any money, they need to make that clear!

Pumping is a bear. When people suggest to a woman who is struggling with breastfeeding "Well, you can just pump," I fight the urge to massively eye roll (not a professional move). I've met few mothers who can maintain supply via pumping, and I mean, great for them, but pumping can be kind of a nightmare. Pretending