
GT5 is really picking up new cars quick. Good to see they still have a lot of support.

So, uhm, when did we become the US of Boring Tastes?

The pollution created is probably nothing compared to what we in the US and China cause every single day... Which I'm sure they are probably thinking themselves.

"I mean, if Apple wanted its iMac screens to be at desk level, I'm sure they would have designed them that way."

One thing comes to mind

Is it just me or does that said Mercedes look like the bastard child of a drunk Dodge Viper and his Mazda MX-5 mistress.

Ok, I don't need my robot to run; that would actually be very inconvenient if it tried to escape. No, I need it to just take it and like it.

Ford E-150 Club Wagons. Keyword Club - Your own gd mobile clubhouse for the 12 year old parents of yesteryear. These were the ones loaded with T.Vs, vcrs, redundant stereos, a seat/bed... and a lovely vibrating captains chairs, oh and Blinds. Blinds on a gd vehicle. These megafamilyvans were the forefathers of the

I'm just really excited about how promising the graphics are going to be and game play (the boat scene is obviously using the in-game engine... the clothes are kinda low texture to be cgi) Even FFXI when it first came out, was dated in graphics. That and the fact its playable on the PS3 (which is compatible with any

@Thut: Yea, i was in that generation. Running, biking and playing outside and then coming back in when we were exhausted to play PlayStation or N64. It was something we did as an afterthought, not as the main goal of the day. Nowadays, it's so rare to see any kids in the neighborhood doing anything outside, probably

Well... at least we can all agree Lighting is now a girl instead of a girl like object.

I agree with some of it (except i really like automatic lights and wipers, and many cars let you turn off stability control when needed Ex: my mazda 3) It quickly went from interesting to just plain sounding bitter