This weekend, Doctor Who returns, continuing a rich history of time travel and wild adventures. But which of the…
This weekend, Doctor Who returns, continuing a rich history of time travel and wild adventures. But which of the…
While he never started out as a human being, Sid 6.7 from Virtuosity wants in on this, too.
Stephen Baxter's new novel Proxima includes a sentient solar sail, but this unique type of spacecraft has a long…
Because it would be incredibly padded? If the show starts slowing down to the point where a whole season goes by and nothing much happens, it will die.
I was really impressed. I wasn't sure if revisiting Cosmos was a good idea but the first episode has convinced me this will be a spectacular ride. They covered a lot but it never felt like they were skimming over the details, especially since I get the impression that they'll be reviewing a lot of what they talked…
How interesting. Though I would like to believe it's something legit rather than a hoax simply because there's simply not enough people saying "What if...?" and too many people saying "So what?"
Those weren't vampires, they were the mad Mary Sues of a crazy Mormon.
Agree. It was so great and would be so easy to pick up again.
They need to revive/pick up Borealis, it was easily the best missed opportunity in science fiction.…
The Alliance said they were going to waltz through Serenity Valley, but the browncoats made them choke on those…
Last week, thousands of gallons of a poorly understood compound called 4-methylcyclohexane methanol (MCHM) spilled…
In truth, and forswearing such loquacious answers that others might be prepared to give, being as they are not viewing this topic on such a mobile device as I do, and so far be it from me to include a picture, but it is clearly the fact obvious to all that the answer to your question is the delightful Mister Al…
+1 thumb up
This sounds like a wonderful idea...
Everybody just stop. Stop what you're doing and watch this amazingly accurate recreation of the 6-minute car-chase…
Just so everyone knows, this can happen to anyone, not just people who live like slobs. Insets like ants and cockroaches love warm places and will often build nests in computers, game consoles and other electronics.
It used to be a mainstay of science fiction: the story where we visit a barbarian society that turns out to have…
Some horror movies work your nerves and leave you frightened, but at least you feel justified in your fear. Other…