
Fiona is the hero we need in these dark times. Squee!!!

Technically, Tara, having blonde hair, blue or green eyes, and white skin is a genetic mutation. The more you know...

Constipation Station! All aboard!

Where is his belly button??? That’s creeping me out ! Like, seriously, WHERE IS IT???

Mind. Blown.

Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives.

Take that back! Chris Pine is the best Chris, hands down!

Britney is a goddess. She is amazing and perfect and she always makes me smile. I love her!!!

I’m thinking at least 20 blinds on Blind Gossip should be solved by this.

Sweet Goddess, why did you have to leave us? Whyyyyy? (Sobbing as I type this.)

Time to lay off the fillers, me thinks.

I am truly so sorry for your loss. Just know that you made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that your Gus was no longer going to be in any pain.

I just realized a couple of years ago that when you swallow gum, it doesn’t stay in your system for seven years. Yah, I’m that girl :)

I’m packing my bags for Cali. Getting the fuck outta Texas asap.

Beautypedia IS a total Paula’s Choice shill site, since Paula owns it, lol. I loved her books Don’t Go To the Cosmetic Counter Without Me! back in the 90's, but it always seemed like the products and brands I liked she was dumping on, and I hated most of the products she loved. Maybelline Great Lash Mascara, I’m

Love, love, LOVE Ole Henriksen products! They’re phenomenal, and it’s really fun to say his name!

Damn allergies making my eyes all watery again.

And yet, I’m totally sure that Viagra and Cialis will continue to be covered by health insurance, because an old dudes erection is infinitely more important than an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy.

Not to be flippant on a day of remarkable tragedy, but all I can say to this is...

Fuck October 2, 2017. This whole day needs to be erased from memory.