
Justin Hartley was delicious. Still is. I wrote him and got an autograph back in the day. It had a prominent place on my Wall of Hot Men.

We’ve talked about Passions, but omg, I so miss it!

I never caught on that that was Justin, lol.

Erm... I’m just super glad that you made it home that evening alive. Dude sounds... special?

My best Halloween costume ever was Snookie. I got six layers of spray tan. I bedazzled some sunglasses with sparkly gems from Michael’s. I wore a wig entitled “Amy Winehouse.” I got to carry around and nibble on a giant dill pickle all night. When my feet got tired from my 5 inch stilettos, I got to slip on my Uggs,

I’m in the suburbs of Austin, and yes, the local elections went Democratic. I cheered so loudly last night.

That’s a new take on things. I must say, your theory is giving me renews hope.

Because they are special, and these things won’t affect them in the slightest!!! Until it does...

Excuse my crude language, but FUCK these MOTHERFUCKERS.

Here’s your star. You made me giggle in these dark, dark times.

Thank you. Beautifully stated.

LiLo needs some rent money. She’s totally in!

This will only work if LiLo is in it.

Would like Baz on this. I think it would be pretty bad-ass. But Guy Ritchie? Nope.

Here’s a hug from a total stranger.

TERRY CREWS... this is a magical idea, and I want it to happen, like, NOW. Yesssss please!

Genuine laughter from that. Thank you so much- I needed a true laugh!

Nodding in total agreement. Hand me some brain bleach, thanks.

We’re only 81 days in?

Dr. Jarts Water Drips is fantastic!!! Water based, super lightweight, and it just feels super cool and nice going on-like you are just putting water on your face!