Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.
Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.
Evil things didn’t just happen. He made them happen. Stop putting things into the passive tense.
Mention must be made of John Cazale, who possesses the greatest batting average in Hollywood history. (Though he probably would have traded it for a few decades filled with flops.)
I guess you missed the day before when the verdict came in and the African American female sheriff’s deputy petted her hair while she cried, too. Ugh. She SHOT someone in his own home, and, GROSSER THAN THAT, talked to her married boyfriend instead of giving the man she shot lifesaving measures. She is despicable…
...but the dinosaurs look amazing!
“Which might seem surprising, given that it’s been directed by the guy who made the Hangover trilogy and Due Date. To be fair, those movies weren’t funny either.”
If Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want to get the entire nation to rally behind Trump’s impeachment, they should remind everyone that if he goes away so does Alec Baldwin’s lame, tired, lazy and unfunny “impression”. When he was the first face I saw, I literally groaned out loud.
A Youtuber named Renegade Cut did an excellent video on Saturday Night Live’s politics and how Lorne Michaels’ Neoliberalism gave Trump his own SNL and eventually the Trump Presidency. And my conclusion to this is:
I blame modern teaching methods. They’re always trying to make things cool or fun, to try to keep the very short attention of modern students, and the result is this idiotic slavery hashtag idea. I’m noticing more and more stupid ways of teachers trying to teach about slavery/civil war, and it’s never pretty. I can…
That was even worse! That wasn't just some numerological aesthetic, that was a goddamn record!
I think you are letting McQueary off the hook a bit. Witnessing something like that can no doubt rock you to your core, but once you settle down you pick up the fucking phone and you call the cops or fbi.
I grew up in State College, I went to school with Sandusky’s kid, the one in prison for soliciting minors. I’ve been in Sandusky’s basement. I play tackle football in Sunset Park near Joepa’s place, pretending to be Shane Conlan or DJ Dozier. I know what that town is like, and how it venerated the football program.
And that original Jezebel piece from March basically says that Duca will be teaching an NYU class in the summer and will be terrible at it. Not surprising them if the students approach the class with that in mind. What a bunch of horrible media assholes this whole story involves.
Take that with a grain of salt. Kids are much nicer in person nowadays, but one check of their texts/DMs/chats will show a lot of them are just as fucked up, if not worse.
I’m also a teacher, I don’t think they’re nicer, they just talk less with cellphones. Don’t worry, social media is the new lunchroom bullshit clique, they’ve got it covered (judging by the awful garbage I’ve heard about)
The gay panic jokes were Joey and Chandler and it was 1994.
Ross’ attitude towards homosexuality?
I would question the character of any woman who would have sex with Ross.
It is funny how they pad out their articles with tweets... except in the article that’s about tweets.